Crossword by: Julian Lim and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Sunday September 22 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! It’s off to the races we go! Given away by 119 Across todays theme is ‘races’. If you take the last word of each themed answer and add the word ‘races’ after it you get a type of race. We get: boat race, horse race, arms race, space race, sack race, drag race and foot race. That was a fast one!
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Across Answers
1. Clerics in un monastère ABBES
6. Scanner reading BARCODE
13. Directory of notables WHO’S WHO
20. Jeweler’s aid LOUPE
21. “Umbrella” singer RIHANNA
22. Collaborative instructional website WIKIHOW
23. *Similarly troubled IN THE SAME BOAT
25. Muslim domain IMAMATE
26. Like an emcee who’s overdoing it SMARMY
27. Home to millions SEA
28. High-tech film effects, for short CGI
30. Worst PITS
31. Till the cows come home TO NO END
33. Part of TNT NITRO
36. Colorado River feeder GILA
37. Acronymous 13-Down gun STEN
38. *Mythological trick TROJAN HORSE
42. Rapids phenomenon EDDY
45. “That’s so sweet!” OH YOU!
46. Where Rome is NEW YORK
48. “In Dreams” actor REA
49. Coral element POLYP
53. Donne’s “Death Be Not Proud,” e.g. SONNET
55. 1996 Summer Olympics star MIA HAMM
57. Good way to find a relic IN SITU
59. It might involve a bouncing ball KARAOKE
62. “Crowd Goes Wild” host, familiarly REGIS
63. *Design on a shield COAT OF ARMS
66. Secret observer’s opening SPYHOLE
68. 1998 insect-world animated film ANTZ
69. Draft status ONE-A
70. Psyche’s beloved EROS
71. Some OR workers LPNS
75. Snaps HAS A FIT
78. *Most people can’t stand to work in one CRAWLSPACE
80. Ames native IOWAN
83. Coal-rich region of central Europe SILESIA
85. How stock may be bought ON A TIP
86. __ Faso BURKINA
88. Loire Valley city NANTES
91. Latin clarifier ID EST
92. Nitrogen-based dye AZO
93. Skinks and geckos LIZARDS
96. Straight up ERECT
98. Novelist Jaffe RONA
100. *Fire GIVE THE SACK
102. Sponsor of PSAs on DUI MADD
106. Flow forcefully GUSH
108. Response to “Clean your room,” perhaps GROAN
109. One adding things up TOTALER
111. Old Spice rival AFTA
112. Seeking, in ads ISO
113. Some ER cases ODS
116. “Keep dreaming!” NO DICE!
117. Bread with salad? CROUTON
119. Embarking on something exciting, and a hint regarding what this puzzle’s starred answers’ endings have in common OFF TO THE RACES
123. Mist-ify? ATOMIZE
124. Psyched FIRED UP
125. Church responses AMENS
126. Post-soak condition WETNESS
127. “Friends” had 10 of them SEASONS
128. Impetuous HASTY
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Down Answers
1. Glitterati groups A-LISTS
2. Bit of wit BON MOT
3. Lighter liquid BUTANE
4. “Heartburn” screenwriter EPHRON
5. Words below a bad grade, perhaps SEE ME
6. Cup holder? BRA
7. Strives AIMS
8. South Korean president, 1948-1960 RHEE
9. Pool room CABANA
10. John __ Lennon ONO
11. Some court evidence DNA
12. Face up to an embarrassing mistake EAT CROW
13. Global conflict, briefly WWII
14. “Forget __”: 1964 hit HIM
15. Striped rainforest critter OKAPI
16. Quiet as a mouse, e.g. SIMILE
17. *”Bor-r-r-ring!” WHAT A DRAG
18. Have the __ for HOTS
19. Have a mortgage OWE
24. Elec. instrument SYNTH
29. Like the “Saw” films GORY
32. Prohibition proponents DRYS
34. __ peace INNER
35. Angle symbols THETAS
36. Singer Halliwell GERI
39. Love letter symbols OOO
40. Letters for occupants? JUNK MAIL
41. By hook or by crook SOMEHOW
43. Co-star of Tom in “A Few Good Men” DEMI
44. Holiday tubers YAMS
45. Vision: Pref. OPTO
47. Marx not seen in films KARL
49. Type type PICA
50. “__, you noblest English”: “Henry V” ON ON
51. Future D.A.’s exam LSAT
52. First name of two Israeli prime ministers YITZHAK
54. __ in November N AS
56. Shoe insert HEEL PAD
58. Some sky lights, to some UFOS
61. Sedgwick of “The Closer” KYRA
64. Ancient Indians of the Four Corners region ANASAZI
65. Int.-lowering option REFI
67. 1952 Winter Olympics site OSLO
72. Baguette spread PATE
73. “JAG” spin-off NCIS
74. 9, perhaps: Abbr. SEPT
76. Indigo dye ANIL
77. Watch over TEND TO
78. Reds, on scoreboards CIN
79. Pique SNIT
80. Support beam I-BAR
81. Greek spirits OUZO
82. *Bad thing to get off on WRONG FOOT
84. Ice skater Cohen SASHA
87. Close at hand NIGH
89. Notable age ERA
90. Religious offshoot SECT
94. MLB nos. AVGS
95. Puts a new top on RE-ROOFS
97. Designer cologne CK ONE
99. Fall AUTUMN
101. Cybermemos E-NOTES
102. Puccini’s “__ Butterfly” MADAMA
103. Eatery where “you can get anything you want” ALICE’S
104. Respectable DECENT
105. Not casual DRESSY
107. “Socrate” composer SATIE
110. Rabbi’s study TORAH
111. Galleria display ARTE
112. Model Sastre INES
114. Dimwit DODO
115. Knock for a loop STUN
117. Harsh bird call CAW
118. Cologne meas. OZS
120. Old-style “Tsk!” FIE!
121. Monk’s address FRA
122. Officejet Pro printers HPS
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