Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the September 22nd 2024, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Hoity-toity type : SNOB
5 “Poker Face” singer Lady __ : GAGA
9 Berth place : WHARF
14 Former TV drama set in SoCal : LA LAW
19 Anecdotal tales : LORE
20 Genesis garden : EDEN
21 Code breaker? : ERROR
22 Fill with joy : ELATE
23 Number of NBA championships won by Bill Russell? : ONCE IN A LIFETIME
26 Island near Java : TIMOR
27 Baby panda : BEAR CUB
28 Dr. with a dream : MLK
29 Video game where players round up primates : APE ESCAPE
31 Early console letters : NES
32 Office assistant : AIDE
34 Remove from a page : ERASE
35 Stimulate, as curiosity : PIQUE
38 Heaven for basic seasoning lovers? : SAL PARADISE
41 NFL gains: Abbr. : YDS
44 Decisive win : ROUT
45 School book fair org. : PTA
46 In : harmonized : SYNC
47 Song that was never a single : DEEP CUT
49 Soul great Redding : OTIS
50 Rabbit kin : HARE
52 Annoyed : IRKED
54 Words of surprise : OH MY
55 Prohibit : BAN
56 Introduction for a cartoon hamburger? : SOY PROTEIN
59 Detergent powder : BORAX
60 Miracle-Gro alternative : SCOTTS
62 “Feels so good!” : AAH
63 Pluto, for one : DOG
65 People unlikely to develop crushes, briefly : AROS
66 Skin care product long used by Aboriginal people in Australia : EMU OIL
68 Seller of Souls : KIA
70 Amazes an audience : WOWS EM
72 Spun records : DJ’ED
73 Goose egg : NIL
75 College domain : EDU
77 Steering gear component : TIE-ROD
79 Some facials : PEELS
80 Carb choice of Olympic marathon runners? : PAN FOR GOLD 83
Cry noisily : SOB
85 Result of a good pitch : SALE
86 South American barbecue : ASADO
88 Olympic event whose name comes from the French for “sled” : LUGE
89 Caramel candy : ROLO
90 Full of bluster : ALL TALK
92 Writer/illustrator Carle : ERIC
95 N’s on sorority row : NUS
96 Balls, in dodgeball : AMMO
97 Hog hangout : STY
98 Typical posture for a cancan dancer? : PIE IN THE SKY
101 Think pieces : IDEAS
102 Expels, as lava : SPEWS
103 “ smokes!” : HOLY
104 Reggae kin : SKA
105 Coverage of regional events : LOCAL NEWS
109 Texting nicety : PLS
110 Many Mount Everest mountaineers : SHERPAS
114 “Yes we can” sloganeer of 2008 : OBAMA
115 Representative for Buckingham Palace, say? : REAL ESTATE AGENT
118 “Never needs sharpening” brand : GINSU
119 Some British peers : EARLS
120 Actress Falco : EDIE
121 Cosmetics chain : ULTA
122 Place : STEAD
123 Constellation that resembles a serpent : DRACO
124 Emporium : MART
125 Tree house? : NEST
1 Messy houseguest : SLOB
2 Second to _ : NONE
3 Mammal that can sink a boat : ORCA
4 Happy hour snacks : BEER NUTS
5 Family division : GENUS
6 Very little : A DAB
7 Goo in a reusable ice pack : GEL
8 Kangaroo or koala : ANIMAL
9 One of a calendar quintet : WEEKDAY
10 Menopause treatment, briefly : HRT
11 Diva’s chance to shine : ARIA
12 Frolicked : ROMPED
13 Full scholarship, informally : FREE RIDE
14 “Hmm … ” : LET’S SEE
15 White Rabbit pursuer : ALICE
16 Tibetan spiritual leader : LAMA
17 Resting on : ATOP
18 ”Wish you _ here” : WERE
24 Slushy summer treat : ICEE
25 Acrobatic feats : FLIPS
30 Made simpler : EASED
33 Bert’s roommate : ERNIE
35 “No !”: “Happy to help!” : PROB
36 Tiny bits : IOTAS
37 Sweet spread for a teen’s birthday celebration? : QUINCE JELLY
38 Doesn’t go out : STAYS IN
39 Org. that fights age bias : AARP
40 Bitter-tasting : ACRID
41 Gene carrier that keeps people wanting more? : Y CHROMOSOME
42 “The Black Tulip” novelist : DUMAS
43 River of Hades : STYX
45 Pinterest upload : PHOTO
48 Not as flush : POORER
51 Noteworthy period : ERA
53 Have down pat : KNOW
56 Hoops alternative : STUDS
57 Whiskey barrel wood : OAK
58 Man of steal : THIEF
59 Contingent (on) : BASED
61 Tamagoyaki, e.g. : OMELET
64 Reliable sort : GO-TO GUY
67 “Illusion” singer Dua : LIPA
69 Commotion : ADO
71 Sneaky tricks : WILES
72 Gave a hand : DEALT
74 Heavily loaded : LADEN
76 Link destination : URL
78 Stuffed grape leaf : DOLMA
79 Ads that raise awareness : PSAS
81 Needle point? : NORTH
82 Icky, sticky stuff : GUNK
84 Sounds of disapproval : BOOS
86 Visitor from outer space : ALIEN
87 Way to serve satay : SKEWERED
89 Speed trap device : RADAR GUN
91 Give a hand : APPLAUD
93 “Fingers crossed!” : I HOPE SO
94 Minesweeper units : CELLS
99 “Fingers not crossed!” : I SWEAR
100 Honor __ : SYSTEM
101 Store with a Swedish House Mafia collaboration : IKEA
102 Kafka protagonist : SAMSA
104 Paper tray unit : SHEET
105 Enters in a record book : LOGS
106 Final bio : OBIT
107 Walking stick : CANE
108 Mystery writer Paretsky : SARA
110 Awaken : STIR
111 Soccer legend nicknamed “O Rei” : PELE
112 Insects who prefer sweet foods : ANTS
113 “Right now!” : STAT
116 Business letters : LLC
117 Oral health org. : ADA
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