Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Sunday September 25th 2022, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Little rascal : SCAMP
6 Crunchy brownie piece : EDGE
10 Natural bandage : SCAB
14 Storm relief org. : FEMA
18 Sierra Nevada lake : TAHOE
19 Connections : TIES
20 Skyline obscurer : HAZE
21 Ruck of “Spin City” : ALAN
22 Semis followers : FINALS
23 Dormitory where honor roll students sleep? : HALL FOR THE BEST
26 Name of Davy Crockett’s rifle : OLD BETSY
28 Enjoy again, as a favorite book : REREAD
29 Cubbies home : CHI
30 __ carte : A LA
31 “Fun Factory” clay : PLAY-DOH
35 Tuft of feathers : CREST
37 Name of B.B. King’s guitar : LUCILLE
41 Actor Mulroney : DERMOT
43 Santa-tracking org. : NORAD
46 Ingredient for discerning brew masters? : SPECIAL HOPS
48 Jazz lick : RIFF
51 Sudoku digit : NINE
52 Birdie topper : EAGLE
53 Historical record : ANNAL
54 App symbol : ICON
55 Suzuki with 10 MLB Gold Gloves : ICHIRO
58 “Yosemite Valley Winter” photographer : ADAMS
62 Do needlework : STITCH
64 Dietary fiber : BRAN
65 Forecast : PREDICT
67 Charge for using, as an apartment : LEASE TO
70 Apple platform : IOS
71 Take care of eggs by sitting on them? : HEAT LIKE A BIRD
74 New __: cap brand : ERA
75 Cream cheese serving : SCHMEAR
77 Genre revitalized by Britney Spears : TEEN POP
78 Thicken, as cream : CLOT
79 Some year-end lists : WORSTS
81 Calf’s suckling spot : UDDER
82 Turns way up : BLASTS
84 Stadium level : TIER
86 Rivendell inhabitants : ELVES
88 __ Island : ELLIS
90 Tacks on : ADDS
91 Went platinum? : DYED
92 Learns about crops like maize? : HEARS OF CORN
98 Lost cause : GONER
100 Words on an orange juice container : NO PULP
102 “Way to go, fella!” : ATTA BOY
103 Dodge : ELUDE
106 Edible part of a pistachio : NUTMEAT
108 Mystery writer Grafton : SUE
109 Many pop-ups : ADS
111 Refuse : LITTER
113 Baggage handler? : TSA AGENT
117 Cheap toupee? : BUDGET HAIRLINE
122 Duel choices : SWORDS
123 Morales of “Ozark” : ESAI
124 With 112-Down, fish story : TALL
125 Song that might prompt a “Brava!” : ARIA
126 Cast : HEAVE
127 Texter’s “until next time” : TTYL
128 Turow book set at Harvard : ONE L
129 Burt’s Bees product : BALM
130 Fragrant compound : ESTER
1 Not in bed yet : STILL UP
2 Parker who was the 2020 WNBA Defensive Player of the Year : CANDACE
3 “Pequod” captain : AHAB
4 Mexican sauce flavored with chocolate : MOLE
5 Fly, e.g. : PEST
6 __ alcohol : ETHYL
7 Jueves, por ejemplo : DIA
8 Salon goop : GEL
9 Subj. for some citizenship applicants : ESL
10 Help for a tight fit : SHOEHORN
11 “Virgin River” novelist Robyn : CARR
12 Tenochtitlan native : AZTEC
13 “Joy Shtick” writer/comedian : BEHAR
14 Terrif : FAB
15 Light-up pumps? : ELECTRIC HEELS
16 Classic TV series set in Korea : MASH
17 Averse to : ANTI
22 Farm young : FOALS
24 Gift tag word : FROM
25 Genesis plot : EDEN
27 Be in a bee : SPELL
32 Bustle : ADO
33 “Okey-doke” : YEP
34 OB-GYNs, e.g. : DRS
36 Former Seattle team, familiarly : SONICS
38 Trap during a winter storm, say : ICE IN
39 False witness : LIAR
40 Spanish lake : LAGO
42 Sardine cans : TINS
44 “I’ll take that as __” : A NO
45 Cub’s home : DEN
47 Ticker : HEART
49 Fistfight souvenir : FAT LIP
50 Circular : FLIER
53 Go up : ASCEND
55 Sacred Nile bird : IBIS
56 Colorful clog : CROC
57 Weekly night for leftovers? : HASH WEDNESDAY
59 Shoulder muscle, for short : DELT
60 Parting words : ADIEUS
61 Ready to be recorded : MIKED
63 Bit : TAD
65 To some degree : PARTLY
66 Sealing stuff : TAPE
68 Home run run : TROT
69 Stallion feed : OATS
71 HRH part : HER
72 Lightened (up) : EASED
73 Drill, e.g. : BORER
76 Bite : MORSEL
78 “Julius Caesar” role : CASCA
80 Kristoff’s reindeer in “Frozen” : SVEN
82 Dab at, as lipstick : BLOT
83 British elevator : LIFT
84 Graffiti signature : TAG
85 Rite answer? : I DO
87 Three-time “Modern Family” Emmy nominee : ED O’NEILL
89 Future JDs’ exams : LSATS
92 Simple shelter : HUT
93 Furniture wood : ELM
94 Animal that beats its chest : APE
95 Witness : OBSERVE
96 Not as flat : ROUNDER
97 Russian rejections : NYETS
99 Govern : RULE
101 Smooth engine sound : PURR
104 “Likewise” : DITTO
105 One of the filmmaking Coen brothers : ETHAN
107 Crack squad : A-TEAM
109 Turn off the security cameras for, maybe : ABET
110 Roomba target : DUST
112 See 124-Across : TALE
114 Queens, New York, stadium namesake : ASHE
115 Dazzles : AWES
116 Capricorn critter : GOAT
118 Hodges who managed the Miracle Mets : GIL
119 Chemist’s workplace : LAB
120 401(k) kin : IRA
121 Not a thing : NIL
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