Crossword by: Julian Lim and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Sunday September 29 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! It’s time to get our hands dirty with a bit of particle physics. Watch out ions are gonna be flying! Given away by the answer to 69 Across ‘Ion Transfer’ if you add or remove ‘ion’ from the end of the themed answers you will get another commonly used term. The themed answers are: Burning Quest, US Military Rat, Railway Stat, IRS Audition, Chicken Legion, Salem’s Lotion, Peacekeeping Miss and Backstage Passion
Across Answers
1. Like some windows ARCHED
7. All-nighter cause FINAL
12. Thousandth of a meg ONE-K
“Meg” is megabyte. “K” is kilobyte. A thousandth of a meg is equal to 1 kilobyte.
16. Holy Communion receptacle PYX
A pyx (can also be spelled as “pix”) is used to carry the Eucharist for the holy communion in Anglican and Catholic churches.
19. In person BODILY
20. When the plot thickens, often ACT II
Act II in plays is usually where things start to become exciting.
21. Ate HAD A MEAL
23. Arsonist’s pursuit? BURNING QUEST (burning quest-ion)
25. TV spin-off set in Florida CSI: MIAMI
CSI Miami debuted in 2002 and ran for ten years on CBS. It actually stood as CSI’s season 2.
26. “Whatever you say, honey” YES, DEAR
27. Legendary Dolphins coach SHULA
Don Shula led the Miami Dolphins to not one, but two victories in the Super Bowl. He was Sports Illustrated’s Sportsman Of The Year in 1993, and has the most career wins in the NFL with three hundred forty seven.
29. Math subj. with integrals CALC
Calculus is defined to be the mathematical study of change, and is divided into 2 main branches: differential calculus and integral calculus.
30. Amer. armed forces traitor? US MILITARY RAT (US military rat-ion)
34. For fear that LEST
37. Caps Lock neighbor TAB
The tab key is more useful than you think, and has been around since the manual typewriter days. It minimizes the use of the space bar to make entries on tables and graphs.
40. Public pair ITEM
41. High seas quaff GROG
Old Grog was a nickname given to Edward Vernon, who was an English naval officer who joined the navy in the year 1700. In 1740, he ordered that the ration of rum for his sailors be watered down, and have lime or lemon juice be added to the mixture. As a result, his sailors seemed more healthy compared to the rest of the navy. This was because they were getting daily doses of Vitamin C.
The new drink was then called the “grog.”
42. Actor, usually FAKER
43. Company with a stork in its logo VLASIC
Vlasic is one of the most popular brands in the US that produces pickles. It has been around since 1942. The stork was originally introduced as a mascot, some time in the late sixties, bringing to life the old-age myth that pregnant women are more likely to crave for pickles.
46. AWOL hunters MPS
MP’s, or military police officers become very worried when one of them go AWOL (absence without leave).
48. Activist Bonner who married Sakharov YELENA
Yelena Bonner, a human rights activist in the Soviet Union at that time, was remembered by friends and family to be very courageous and fiercely honest. She died in 2011.
50. AQI monitor EPA
EPA stands for Environmental Protection Agency, began operating in the seventies, and was created to protect the environment and human health. It specializes in monitoring Air Quality Index.
51. Like he-men MACHO
52. Church closings AMENS
Prayers usually end with “Amen,” which means “so be it.” It is a declaration of affirmation, and has been used since the New Testament.
54. “The Office” network NBC
The Office, a popular comedy sitcom in the US that stars Steve Carrell, but was originally made in the UK, starring Ricky Gervais, and was also created by him and Stephen Merchant. It ran for a total of fourteen episodes in the UK, and nine seasons (2005-2013) in the US.
It has been announced that The Office will have a Chinese version. Hmmm…
55. Truncation abbr. ETC
56. Invite across the threshold ASK IN
57. Commuters per hour, e. g.? RAILWAY STAT (railway stat-ion)
61. Moshing site PIT
A mosh pit is an area usually located at the front of the concert stage where people can go crazy dancing, body-slamming, screaming, and pogo-jumping without worrying that anyone will take offense.
62. Word on the street, maybe SLANG
64. Ample, in verse ENOW
“Enow” means “enough.” It is an archaic word used before the 1050’s.
65. Early Alaskan ESKIMO
Earliest Eskimos were found to have started some five thousand years ago. Eskimo means “raw meat eater” which is why Canadians were taught never to use the term “eskimo” to describe native Northern dwellers. They call them “Inuit” instead.
67. Part of IOC: Abbr. INTL
IOC stands for International Olympic Committee (1894)
69. Chemical reaction phenomenon, and what occurs in four symmetrical pairs of long answers in this puzzle ION TRANSFER
74. Cabinet dept. formed under Carter ENER
The Department Of Energy was formed some thirty six years ago under the Carter administration. Its headquarters is in Washinton DC.
75. Dollhouse accessory TEA SET
77. Jazzy improvisation SCAT
78. Whitman’s “__ the Body Electric” I SING
Walt Whitman put together a poetry collection first published in 1855, “Leaves Of Grass.” He spent practically his entire life revising it until his death. One of the poems added in its 1867 edition is “I Sing The Body Electric.”
80. Soak, in British dialect SOG
81. Tryout for a CPA? IRS AUDITION (IRS audit+ion)
The Internal Revenue Service of the USA is responsible for collecting the taxes from citizens all over the country, as well as making sure that the Internal Revenue Code be enforced properly. One has to be a qualified CPA to be a part of the IRS.
86. Mell Lazarus comic strip MOMMA
Mell Lazarus, a well-known cartoonist and novelist of his time, created 2 comic strips: Miss Peach and Momma. Momma debuted in 1970, and is still running to this very day. It is being published in more than four hundred newaspapers all over the world.
89. Big heart ACE
..As in in the deck of cards.
90. Hägar creator Browne DIK
Dik Browne created Hägar the Horrible in 1973. When he retired in 1988 (and died a year after), the comic strip was continued by Chris Browne, his son.
91. Shoreline changers TIDES
92. “__ Irish Rose” ABIE’S
Abie’s Irish Rose, a comedic broadway play about a Jewish man and an Irish Catholic girl marrying in spite of their family’s objections, was a hit despite receiving poor reviews. It ran from 1922 to 1927, with 2,327 performance. Its touring company held a record of being the longest running touring company, for almost forty years. It has been made into a film in 1928, and again in 1946.
93. Shear (off) LOP
94. Green wheels ECO-CAR
98. Cancels (out) XES
99. Isn’t fictional EXISTS
Unfortunately, even if millions of people secretly believe that Santa Claus really does exist, he remains to be a fictional character to this very day. (You’re sad, aren’t you?)
100. “… bombs bursting __” IN AIR
“…And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there..”
102. Yemen’s capital SANA
Sana, (also spelled as Sanaa, or Sana’a) is one of the world’s inahbited cities. As of 2012, it has a population of almost 2 million, making it the largest city in Yemen.
103. __ opportune moment AT AN
105. Cong. member SEN
106. Gas brand born in 1926 ESSO
What a lot of people didn’t know was that at the time there was still racial segregation in the US, Esso helped give out “The Negro Motorist Green Book: An International Travel Guide,” a book aimed to help the travelling African-American determine which businesses accepted or tolerated “their race” to avoid inconveniences on the road as much as possible.
107. Fighting unit in the barnyard wars? CHICKEN LEGION (chicken leg+ion)
112. Big draw STAR
114. Words students fear SEE ME
115. Some arm candy ESCORTS
119. Plant animals? CHIA PETS
Figurines that grow chia to resemble animal fur.
122. 17th-century anti-witch application? SALEM’S LOTION
‘Salem’s Lot (Short for Jerusalem’s Lot) is written by Stephen King, a horror fiction novel, which tells of the story of a writer who discovered the residents of the town he grew up in are transforming into vampires.
125. “The Tempest” sorcerer PROSPERO
The Tempest is a play written by Shakespeare, and Prospero is the protagonist. He is the Duke of Milan, but was placed on a boat to die along with his youngest daughter. They found exile on an island, where he became a sorcerer among other things.
126. White house? IGLOO
127. Expatriate EMIGRE
128. “You eediot!” speaker of cartoons REN
“You Eediot!” is the studio album of Ren and Stimpy, known cartoon characters from Nickelodeon. It has a total of 21 tracks, including “Dog Pound Hop” and “Nose Goblins.”
129. Body suit? SKIN
130. ’90s-’00s heartthrob band ‘N SYNC
The N Sync band, a popular boy band formed in the mid-90’s, got its name when, after performing for their moms, Justin’s (Timberlake) mother said that “They sounded very NSYNC.” Later on, they discovered that all five of their first name’s last letter spelled “N SYNC.”
Talk about meant to be…
131. Filibuster site SENATE
One of the types of parliamentary procedure is called “Filibuster,” a way for members to prevent or, at least delay, a vote, thereby extending debate.
Down Answers
1. “Dear __” ABBY
Dear Abby is an advice column in the fifties, created by Pauline Phillipes, who at that time was using “Abigail Van Buren” as a pen name.
2. Man without morals ROUE
Can also be described as a rogue, rake, or a debauchee.
3. Writable storage media, for short CD-RS
4. Veda devotee HINDU
The Vedas are a part of the Hindu scriptures
5. Nobelist Wiesel et al. ELIES
Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize in the year 1986. He wrote a total of 57 books, one of them being a narration of his experiences when he became a prisoner in various concentration camps during the Nazi regime.
6. Peppy DYNAMIC
7. Web help source FAQ
FAQ stands for Frequently Asked Questions
8. Hosp. area ICU
ICU stands foor Intensive Care Unit
9. Desert trial N-TEST
10. Tyler of “The Talk” AISHA
Also the new host of the show “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”
11. Arrangement of church services LITURGY
12. Neil Sedaka hit OH! CAROL
Neil Sedaka co-wrote this song in 1958 with Howard Greenfield. He used to date Carole King back in high school, so he used that as inspiration. A response to that song, titled “Oh! Neil,” written by Carole’s husband, didn’t become as popular, unfortunately.
13. “If I Ruled the World” rapper NAS
Nas, a famous rapper in the US, has sold over twenty five million of his records around the world.
14. King’s order EDICT
15. __ Sutra KAMA
Kama Sutra is written by Vatsyayana, an ancient text of Indian origin considered to be the standard measure for sexual intercourse, among others…
16. Failure in treaty talks? PEACEKEEPING MISS (peacekeeping miss-ion)
17. Holiday veggie YAM
The yam, or the sweet potato, is a very delicious delicacy in other countries, and is underrated in this country to be honest. For one thing it is very nutritious.
18. First year of Claudius’ reign XLI
22. Jovovich of “Resident Evil” films MILLA
Milla Jovovich met her current husband, Paul Anderson in the set of Resident Evil. The movie, which starred Jovovich, was written and directed by him.
24. Sand in food, say GRIT
28. Deceptive-sounding instrument? LYRE
31. Logic proposition LEMMA
32. JFK Library architect IM PEI
Among Ieoh Ming Pei’s works include the Louvre Pyramid in Paris, the Four Seasons hotel in New York, the Museum Of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar, and the Kennedy Theater in Hawaii.
33. Sales rep AGENT
35. Seventh fencing position SEPTIME
Septime is shown as “blade down and to the inside, with the wrist supinated.”
36. Field vehicle TRACTOR
37. “True Blood” rating TV-MA
38. “Sorry to say …” ALAS
39. Behind-the-scenes romance? BACKSTAGE PASSION (backstage pass+ion)
42. Judge’s concerns FACTS
44. Con game decoys SHILLS
A shill is a person who secretly works for an organization, giving the audience the impression that he or she is just as surprised or as shocked as they are.
45. Inner Hebrides isle IONA
47. NBC comedy staple SNL
Saturday Night Live, who was created by Lorne Michaels, premiered in 1975, and has produced numerous names in the name of comedy.
49. Celts, e.g. NBAERS
The Boston Celtics has had seventeen championships under its belt since 1957, the last one being in 2008 wherein Paul Pierce became the MVP.
52. Cornstarch brand ARGO
Argo Corn Starch was launched 1892, and to celebrate its 100th year in 1992, its package was redesigned to make it slimmer and incorporate its anniversary seal.
53. Fail to chill SWEAT IT
58. “Run” author Patchett ANN
“Run” was published in 2007 and despite it becoming a New York Times bestseller, received mixed reviews from critics.
59. Rocky greetings YOS
Rocky greeted people by saying “Yo” at the start.
60. Personal ad abbr. SWF
SWF stands for Single White Female
63. Kind of acid used in fertilizers NITRIC
66. “Star Wars” mentor Obi-Wan __ KENOBI
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Knight in the fictional Star Wars Universe, who was Anakin Skywalker’s mentor while learning the jedi arts.
Actors who portrayed this well-loved character is Sir Alec Guiness and Ewan McGregor. (The Original and Prequel trilogy respectively)
67. “No way that’s true!” IT’S A LIE!
68. Recent rightists NEOCONS
Neoconservatism started in the sixties, is a political approach with a more traditional set of beliefs, views, and sentiments. Neoconservatives believe that the US need to use more of its military power in bringing equality and democracy to the people as well as other countries.
70. Fed. hush-hush group NSA
NSA stands for National Security Agency, an agency which has always been known to be shrouded in mystery and controversy. One such controversy came out in 2013 wherein a top-secret program called the PRISM, collected information of different levels of importance from computer servers of famous companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple.
71. Ft. Worth school TCU
TCU stands for Texas Christian University. It is located in Fort Worth, Texas and was established in 1873. This private university has almost ten thousand students, and is affiliated with the Disciples Of Christ.
72. “Sweet!” RAD!
73. One, in Oldenburg EINS
“Ein” is German for “one”
76. Down source EIDER
The Eider duck’s down feathers are used as fillers for quilts and pillows. It is officially called “eiderdown.”
79. Big name in theaters? IMAX
IMAX stands for IMage MAXimum. It is very popular in film presentations. As of last year, there are six hundred ninety seven IMAX theaters worldwide.
82. Tiny bit SKOSH
“I’m on a diet so I think I’m just going to eat just a skosh of pasta for lunch.”
83. B.O. purchases TIX
B.O. means Box Office, and “tix” is short for “tickets”
84. Paragon IDEAL
To be a “paragon” is to be the epitome of something that is considered exemplary. A shining example of a certain quality.
85. Left on Spanish maps? OESTE
Oeste means “West” in English.
87. Pass (out) METE
88. Professional gp. ASSN
An association is defined as “a group of people organized for a specific purpose.”
95. “Rolling along” item in an Army song CAISSON
96. Clear conclusion? -ANCE
97. Collects lots of RAKES IN
99. Exiles, perhaps ENISLES
“Enisles” is defined as “to isolate,” or”to set apart from others.”
101. Tiny bits IOTAS
Iota, is considered to be the smallest letter in the Greek alphabet, which is why it is synonymous to the term “small.”
104. Quite a while AGES
107. Small stream CREEK
108. Browser’s reading, briefly E-MAGS
109. Poet Sachs NELLY
Nelly Sachs, a Jewish playwright and poet, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1966. Because of her frail health growing up, she was home-schooled, despite displaying a certain skill when it comes to dancing.
She, and her mother, were few of the fortunate ones who were able to escape Nazi Germany in 1940. This was because of her connections that the Swedish Royal Family was able to secure their escape.
110. Carol opening O COME
“O come, all ye faithful…” is “Adeste Fideles” in Latin. It was written in the 13th century, and has been translated to many languages since.
111. Running an errand, say NOT IN
113. iPhone programs APPS
116. Baltic capital RIGA
Riga is famous for the city’s architecture. It is located in Latvia, and has been named as one of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in the world.
117. Lawsuit basis TORT
118. Old-time knife SNEE
119. Response to an arrest, initially CPR
CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, an act of compressing the chest and blowing air through the mouth into the lungs.
120. Charles V’s domain: Abbr. HRE
121. Prefix with -pod TRI-
123. Millions of lifetimes EON
Eon means a very, very long period of time.
124. Casual shoe MOC
“Moc” is short for “moccasins”
I hope you enjoyed all of my extended answers to today’s Sunday crossword. How did you go?
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