Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday August 8th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Shelves for cooking RACKS
6 Image problem, briefly BAD PR
11 Navy letters USS
14 Muscat native OMANI
15 Catherine of “Best in Show” O’HARA
16 Water source TAP
17 Annual e-tail sale event CYBER MONDAY
19 Good Grips gadget brand OXO
20 Distrustful LEERY
21 Any of six classic Clue cards WEAPON
23 “I kissed thee __ I killed thee”: “Othello” ERE
25 Expensive gift DIAMOND RING
28 Folded snack TACO
30 Put away HID
31 Shock, in a way TASE
32 Sliced very thin SHAVED
35 Substantial SOLID
38 Old West wanted poster figure REWARD MONEY
41 Soprano Fleming RENEE
42 Log on to ACCESS
45 Barely go (through) SEEP
48 Like a favored project PET
50 Govt. workplace watchdog OSHA
51 Apollo craft LUNAR MODULE
56 “The Fountainhead” author Rand AYN
57 Build up ACCRUE
58 Raptor’s grabber TALON
60 E’en if THO’
61 Ideal deck-shuffling goal … and a hint to a hidden word, and how it appears, in the four other longest answers RANDOM ORDER
66 Call someone by the wrong name, e.g. ERR
67 Outrage ANGER
68 Small change in a small bank PENNY
69 Catch SEE
70 City on the Rhone LYONS
71 Ham it up EMOTE
1 Big bird of myth ROC
2 Adams of HBO’s “Sharp Objects” AMY
3 Iconic San Francisco transport CABLE CAR
4 Tot’s perch KNEE
5 Fathered SIRED
6 “Take that!” BOOYAH
7 “Kung Fu” actor Philip AHN
8 Pops DAD
9 Decapod on a menu PRAWN
10 Like starfish RAYED
11 Ideal place UTOPIA
12 Battle of Hastings combatants SAXONS
13 Dish cleaner SPONGE
18 Orthopedist’s pic MRI
22 Like the Empire State Building ART DECO
23 Presumed UFO crew ETS
24 Cheering word RAH!
26 Transgression MISDEED
27 2016 Tony winner Leslie __ Jr. ODOM
29 Like a bogey OVER PAR
33 Romano cheese source EWE
34 Singer Fogelberg DAN
36 Mauna __ LOA
37 Fortune rival INC
39 Seized wheels REPO
40 Ambiguous response YES AND NO
43 Short SHY
44 Japanese title of respect SAN
45 Roofing pieces SLATES
46 Trick-taking card game EUCHRE
47 Recital bonus ENCORE
49 Private teachers TUTORS
52 Like much of Idaho RURAL
53 Nasty type MEANY
54 Hightail it LAM
55 Hitch on the fly ELOPE
59 Utah city on I-15 OREM
62 Private aid prog. NGO
63 Spot for a recliner DEN
64 Tolkien creature ENT
65 Manhattan liquor RYE
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