Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday January 16th 2020, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Barbecue remnants COBS
5 Personal identification? IT’S ME
10 Rolaids rival TUMS
14 Iris layer UVEA
15 Part of a “Star Wars” name DETOO
16 “__ it first!” I SAW
17 Tower of London guards BEEFEATERS
19 Local bond, briefly MUNI
20 PC key ENTER
21 Classic car REO
22 Frozen floaters BERGS
23 Celebratory smokes CIGARS
25 2019 awards for Giannis Antetokounmpo ESPYS
26 Elaborate style ROCOCO
29 Checks out EYES
31 Artist Yoko ONO
32 “Nashville” actress Judith HOAG
35 Currently AS IT IS
39 Vases with feet URNS
41 With 45-Across, meat cut that suggests six aptly placed puzzle answers FLANK
43 Understand, in slang GROK
44 Kremlin refusal NYET
45 See 41-Across STEAK
46 “Me? Never!” NOT I
47 Original “Star Trek” studio DESILU
49 Princess from Alderaan LEIA
51 Links standard PAR
52 Manilow song site COPA
54 Giants’ div. NL WEST
56 Mopes m SULKS
59 __ bag DOGGIE
62 Sporty car features T-TOPS
63 To’s partner FRO
64 Fitting tool SIZER
68 Lower-APR deal REFI
69 Restaurant list not for everyone SECRET MENU
71 Shiraz’s land IRAN
72 Giants and Titans TEAMS
73 Physics matter ATOM
74 Nectarine centers PITS
75 Donkeys ASSES
76 Filing tool RASP
1 “Squarely unconventional” Nissan CUBE
2 Baker OVEN
3 Vegetable that may stain a cutting board BEET
4 Seattle-based insurance giant SAFECO
5 Mont. neighbor IDA
6 Colorful fish TETRA
7 Range rover STEER
8 Gloomy MOROSE
9 Daybreak deity EOS
10 One involved in multiple problems? TIMES SIGN
11 Take by force USURP
12 Shabby MANGY
13 __ chocolate SWISS
18 “The Art of Loving” author Fromm ERICH
22 Honey bunch BEES
24 Blunders GOOFS UP
26 Tavern order ROUND
27 Deli specification ON RYE
28 Traffic markers CONES
30 Talking on and on YAKKING
33 __-rock ALT
34 Highlander GAEL
36 Overused theme TROPE
37 Bits IOTAS
38 Slacks alternative SKIRT
40 Map markers STICK PINS
42 Scottish rejection NAE
48 Result of a poor investment LOSS
50 Crème de la crème A-LIST
53 Commercial charges AD FEES
55 German city where the Bauhaus movement began WEIMAR
56 Vegas __ STRIP
57 Where embryos grow UTERI
58 Like much diet food LO-FAT
60 Black-and-white whales ORCAS
61 Grammy winner Eydie GORME
65 Letter that rhymes with three others ZETA
66 Nephew of Cain ENOS
67 Keister RUMP
69 Transit map abbr. STA
70 Snaky shape ESS
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