Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday July 18th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Like challah bread EGGY
5 Obligations DEBTS
10 Pistons’ org. NBA
13 Broadway seductress LOLA
14 Threepio’s pal ARTOO
15 Take the show on the road TOUR
16 *Goof off FOOL AROUND
18 Stunt legend Knievel EVEL
19 Suit parts VESTS
20 Gross sales, on an income statement TOP LINE
22 Juices up FUELS
24 *Mecca for sci-fi and superhero fans COMIC-CON
25 Jessica of the “Fantastic Four” films ALBA
26 Mysterious power ESP
28 Votes against NOES
29 *Trace-amount precipitation SNOW FLURRIES
33 Burden TAX
34 Co-star/co-creator Issa __ of HBO’s “Insecure” RAE
35 Prefix with -gram ANA-
36 Quick drink NIP
39 *Object of Jason’s quest GOLDEN FLEECE
42 Oil cartel OPEC
44 Commotion ADO
45 __ Stefani, returning coach on “The Voice” GWEN
46 *Make flashy modifications to TRICK OUT
49 Puts on Facebook POSTS
50 Alerts on the road HONKS AT
51 Often-dystopian conflict WWIII
53 “Er, I’d rather not” UM, NO
54 Freelance for extra income … and a hint to the answers to starred clues SIDE HUSTLE
58 Start of D-Day? DEES
59 Like Navy SEALs ELITE
60 Run like heck TEAR
61 Nursery roll SOD
62 Intuit SENSE
63 Watson who played Hermione in Harry Potter films EMMA
1 Sprite ELF
2 Muck GOO
3 Car storage spot GLOVE BOX
4 Sonia Sotomayor’s alma mater YALE LAW
5 Pub flier DART
6 Greek Cupid EROS
7 Approx. 1,055 joules BTU
8 Depp’s “Lone Ranger” role TONTO
9 Genesis city of sin SODOM
10 Beginner NOVICE
11 __ Aires : BUENOS
12 “Over the Rainbow” composer ARLEN
15 AT&T and Verizon TELCOS
17 Pack animal ASS
21 __ gland: organ that secretes melatonin PINEAL
22 Extreme diet FAST
23 Forearm bone ULNA
24 Life-saving proc. CPR
26 Mideast airline EL AL
27 Took to court SUED
30 Monastic garments FROCKS
31 South African capital RAND
32 Recon target INFO
36 One may trend on Twitter NEWS ITEM
37 “Law & Order: SVU” actor ICE-T
38 Pilot products PENS
39 Sticky-toed lizards GECKOS
40 Wear (away) EAT
41 Chanel fragrance for men EGOISTE
42 Words that begin the line before “Deny thy father and refuse thy name” O ROMEO
43 Determined precisely, with “down” PINNED
46 Dull sounds THUDS
47 Caravan stops OASES
48 Functional UTILE
49 More, on a score PIU
51 Dampens WETS
52 Roller coaster cry WHEE
55 Racket DIN
56 Quick flight LAM
57 Eventful chapter ERA
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