Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday March 26th 2020, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Puts at ease CALMS
6 Pinot alternative CAB
9 Something about a painting? FRAME
14 Ryan of “Paper Moon” O’NEAL
15 Brouhaha ADO
16 Paint choice LATEX
17 *Mechanical plaything WIND-UP TOY
19 __-garde AVANT
20 Ambulance gp. EMS
21 Quick inhalation GASP
22 Horseshoe-shaped letter OMEGA
23 Pennant __ RACE
25 *Dark as can be PITCH BLACK
28 Patronizes, in a way STAYS AT
30 “Insecure” actress/writer Issa __ RAE
31 Enero, por ejemplo MES
32 Foil alternative EPEE
33 Rock’s __ Supply AIR
34 Campus suffix EDU
35 *Duke led one SWING BAND
40 Keeps in the email loop CCS
43 Comprehend SEE
44 Litter’s littlest RUNT
47 Chef’s dish words A LA
48 Med. country ISR
49 Web page banners HEADERS
52 *Nursery rhyme arachnophobe MISS MUFFET
55 Barter SWAP
56 Cause friction CHAFE
57 Be up against ABUT
59 Diner slice PIE
60 Scoville unit food CHILI
61 Ump’s call, often based on a sequence found in the answers to starred clues STRIKE ONE
63 Muscle beach bro HE-MAN
64 Bedazzle AWE
65 When left turns are rarely allowed ON RED
66 Off-mic comment ASIDE
67 Furry foot PAW
68 Fills up SATES
1 Hides in fear COWERS
2 Do some work at Pixar ANIMATE
3 Protective camera piece LENS CAP
4 Sore MAD
5 Whack over the wall SLUG
6 Keep a Persian company, perhaps CAT-SIT
7 Take in, as a Persian ADOPT
8 Huck Finn, for one BOY
9 Served blazing FLAMBE
10 “Bolero” composer RAVEL
11 In the ballpark? AT A GAME
12 Intimidated MENACED
13 Interoffice no. EXT
18 Bear whose bed was too hard PAPA
22 Maureen of “Rio Grande” O’HARA
24 Focuses on, as the catcher for signals EYES
26 Bed with sliding sides CRIB
27 Sunflower St. school KSU
29 Patch, perhaps SEW
33 Ticket price determinant, at times AGE
36 A single Time? ISSUE
37 Soft ball NERF
38 New Deal agcy. NRA
39 Outfit DUDS
40 Engine part CAM
41 Trite expressions CLICHES
42 Bento box selection SASHIMI
45 Jazz festival site NEWPORT
46 One learning the ropes TRAINEE
48 “Nothing’s wrong” I’M FINE
49 Bar mitzvah language HEBREW
50 Notions case ETUI
51 Races round the bases SPEEDS
53 Caesar __ SALAD
54 Mufti’s proclamation FATWA
58 17 of Laila Ali’s wins, for short TKOS
60 “__-ching!” CHA
61 Weaken SAP
62 “Bambi” doe ENA
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