Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday March 31st 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Library recess ALCOVE
7. Brief amt. of time NSEC
11. Karaoke need, briefly MIC
14. Slanted LEANED
15. With 34-Across, concert band instrument ALTO …
16. Big fuss ADO
17. Parody involving molten rock? LAVA LAMPOON (from “lava lamp”)
19. Sneaky job CON
20. APA member?: Abbr. ASSN
21. Med. test EKG
22. Eight-time co-star of Joan Crawford GABLE
24. Teeth: Pref. DENTI-
27. Note MEMO
28. Wind god’s whaling weapon? AEOLIAN HARPOON (from “aeolian harp”)
33. Crybaby MOANER
34. See 15-Across … SAX
35. Arctic flier SKUA
36. Stalling-for-time syllables ERS
37. Honor earned by 27 Super Bowl QBs MVP
39. Light lead-in TWI-
41. Scoreboard fig. PTS
42. Director Preminger OTTO
44. It borders It. AUS
46. Sparkling wit ESPRIT
48. Blubbering Belgian? WAILING WALLOON (from “Wailing Wall”)
51. 8th-century Japanese capital NARA
52. Runs while standing IDLES
53. Try a new color on REDYE
55. June portrayer in “Henry & June” UMA
56. Repeat, but more softly each time ECHO
60. First name in shipping ARI
61. Hollywood harlequin? FILM BUFFOON (from “film buff”)
65. Java JOE
66. Eclectic quarterly digest UTNE
67. Hard to read, maybe SLOPPY
68. Animal in some fables ASS
69. He says to Cordelia, “Thy truth, then, be thy dower” LEAR
70. Cerebral __ CORTEX
1. __ breve ALLA
2. Pastures LEAS
3. Home team at Cleveland’s “The Q” CAVS
4. Uninterrupted ON AND ON
5. Mph VEL
6. Former PBS host LeShan EDA
7. Place setting items NAPKINS
8. Tough march SLOG
9. 1940s stage for Ike ETO
10. __ eel CONGER
11. Apple with a Force Touch trackpad MACBOOK PRO
12. Fan club focus IDOL
13. Lane-closing sight CONE
18. Physical leader? META-
23. Gear on stage AMPS
25. Kind of tchr. ELEM
26. Buddhist state NIRVANA
27. Klinger’s first name on “M*A*S*H” MAXWELL
28. Vital supply line AORTA
29. Where to find Java EAST INDIES
30. Magic show prop HAT
31. __ the cold OUT IN
32. Democratic donkey drawer NAST
33. Litter cry MEOW!
38. Wrinkly little dog PUG
40. __ Royale, Michigan ISLE
43. Skin care brand OLAY
45. Pool party? SWIMMER
47. Be the subject of, as a painting POSE FOR
49. Furious IREFUL
50. Not much at all A DAB
53. Indian noble RAJA
54. Love deity EROS
55. Forearm bone ULNA
57. Egyptian Christian COPT
58. “The thing with feathers / That perches in the soul”: Dickinson HOPE
59. Cameo stone ONYX
62. Suburban trailer? -ITE
63. The Trojans of the Pac-12 USC
64. “Alice” spinoff FLO
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