Crossword by: James Sajdak and edited by Rich Norris
Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday May 15th LA Times Times crossword puzzle:
Across Answers
1. Quiets CALMS
6. Fund-raising target GOAL
10. Combat group UNIT
14. Muslim deity ALLAH
15. Tom Joad, e.g. OKIE
16. Gp. for leather loathers PETA
17. Quench SLAKE
18. Moderate, with “down” TONE
19. Piece of land PLOT
20. Loser’s hoped-for path COMEBACK TRAIL
23. __ standstill AT A
24. __Kosh B’Gosh OSH
25. Comical routine SHTICK
28. Significant dry spell? SPEAKEASY ERA
31. Drift, as on the breeze WAFT
34. Himalayan legend YETI
35. Take a turn in the box BAT
36. Where surfers shop E-MALL
38. A good one follows the starts of the four longest puzzle answers DOG
39. “Affliction” actor NOLTE

41. Ex-Saudi ruler __ Saud IBN
42. Such-is link AS IT
44. Pro votes AYES
45. Disruptive occupation SIT-IN PROTEST
50. Poem part STANZA
51. “Rumble in the Jungle” winner ALI
52. Botanist Gray ASA
55. Telecommuter, perhaps STAY-AT-HOME DAD
59. “Lovely” girl of song RITA
61. “Am __ late?” I TOO
62. Numbered hymn PSALM
63. Actor Estrada ERIK

64. Zero NONE
65. Cocoon dweller LARVA
66. Watch part FACE
67. Tour stops GIGS
68. Whitehorse’s territory YUKON
Down Answers
1. Brutus co-conspirator CASCA
2. Deal out ALLOT
3. South American carrier LLAMA
4. Rake in MAKE
5. Cyndi Lauper hit SHE BOP
6. “Check” GOTCHA
7. “All right already” OK OK
8. English class no-no AIN’T
9. Eyes rudely LEERS AT
10. Snobbish UPPITY
11. “Ten Days in a Mad-House” journalist, 1887 NELLIE BLY

12. Judge in 1995 news ITO
13. Art in a parlor TAT
21. Enzyme ending -ASE
22. Twain/Harte play AH SIN
26. Slatted box CRATE
27. Middleton and Spade KATES
28. Arch home: Abbr. STL
29. Japan’s second-oldest university KYOTO
30. Diagnostic test for epilepsy, for short EEG
31. Houdini’s family name WEISS

32. Boundary AMBIT
33. Extraordinary FANTASTIC
37. Tenor who portrayed Caruso LANZA
38. Ang Lee, e.g.: Abbr. DIR
40. Healthy grain OAT
43. Fixing, in a way SPAYING
46. __ manifold: engine part INTAKE
47. Chevy SUVs TAHOES
48. “Strange Magic” gp. ELO
49. Without complication SIMPLY
52. “… __ and stormy …” A DARK
53. Series of shots SALVO
54. Marketing pro ADMAN
56. Yours, to Yvette A TOI
57. Half a bar tool TONG
58. Genesis brother ESAU
59. Flag thrower REF
60. Portfolio element IRA
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