Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday May 24th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Outdated PASSE
6. Calf-length dresses MIDIS
11. Streaming alternative DVD
14. Let up ABATE
15. Hacienda material ADOBE
16. Crew’s control? OAR
17. High-end eye makeup? LUXURY LINER
19. Hollywood SFX… CGI
20. Part of a process STEP
21. “Pomp and Circumstance” composer ELGAR
22. Concert souvenir STUB
23. First words of “Green Eggs and Ham” I AM
25. Creeps TIPTOES
27. One sterilizing Ping-Pong equipment? PADDLE STEAMER
32. Supermarket chain with a mostly red oval logo IGA
33. Con man? ANTI
34. Switches SWAPS
37. Adorkable one NERD
39. Emcee duty INTRO
42. Flute or reed, on an organ STOP
43. Tibetan legends YETIS
45. Fireside stack LOGS
47. Org. concerned with emissions EPA
48. Squad car for soprano Kathleen? BATTLE CRUISER
52. Sign of fall SCORPIO
54. Fish-eating eagle ERN
55. Romp PLAY
56. Old autocrats TSARS
59. Historic times AGES
63. Place for a bud EAR
64. Worthless stuff from Beijing? CHINESE JUNK
66. It may be financial or legal AID
67. Skin dye used in some wedding celebrations HENNA
68. Overdue TARDY
69. Measures for long-distance runners: Abbr. KMS
70. Mystery award EDGAR
71. Entertain AMUSE
1. More than casual acquaintances PALS
2. Touch on ABUT
3. __-Coburg: former Bavarian duchy SAXE
4. Idiotic STUPID
5. “If __ I loved her, all that love is gone”: Shakespeare E’ER
6. __ of America MALL
7. “Got it, man” I DIG
8. Give DONATE
9. Gibraltar’s peninsula IBERIA
10. Sun. delivery SER
11. High degrees DOCTORATES
12. Ill-defined VAGUE
13. Small amounts DRIBS
18. Aden native YEMENI
22. Simmers STEWS
24. Fashioned after A LA
26. Canadian VIPs… PMS
27. Like some Christmas candles PINY
28. Tommie of the Amazin’ Mets AGEE
29. They’re stuck in pubs DARTBOARDS
30. RR depot STN
31. IMDb search category TITLE
35. Bishop of Rome POPE
36. Sail support SPAR
38. Private account DIARY
40. Mythical bird ROC
41. Fiona, after Shrek’s kiss OGRESS
44. Auto additive with a mostly red oval logo STP
46. __ La Table: Williams-Sonoma rival SUR
49. Gave religiously TITHED
50. Dieting successfully LOSING
51. Stuck IN A JAM
52. Command to Fido SPEAK!
53. GEICO submission CLAIM
57. “Mom” co-star Faris ANNA
58. Stern REAR
60. Wise adviser GURU
61. Objectives ENDS
62. Inner Hebrides isle SKYE
64. “The Motorcycle Diaries” revolutionary CHE
65. In-flight update ETA
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