Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday November 10th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Powerful watchdogs AKITAS
7 Silk Road desert GOBI
11 Pulls a Halloween prank on, for short TPS
14 Put a new handle on RENAME
15 “… wish __ a star” UPON
16 Part of the fam. REL
17 Very close NECK AND NECK
19 Police blotter letters AKA
20 Daughter of Polonius OPHELIA
21 Dependable source of income CASH COW
23 Tearful queen NIOBE
25 Short strings? UKES
26 More skittish EDGIER
29 Dark mark SMUDGE
33 Admonish WARN
34 Artisan pizzeria feature STONE OVEN
37 Seventh in a Greek series ETA
38 Birthday party staple, and a hint to this puzzle’s circles CAKE MIX
40 Big Band __ ERA
41 Pastoral residences RECTORIES
43 Huff SNIT
44 Self-involvement EGOISM
45 Williams of talk TV MONTEL
47 “The Square Egg” author SAKI
49 Square, e.g. SHAPE
51 Former Jesuit school official PREFECT
55 Stretch EXPANSE
59 Sushi selection EEL
60 Holiday to-do list task BAKE COOKIES
62 “The Miracle Worker” comm. method ASL
63 2016 MLB retiree A-ROD
64 Online newsgroup system USENET
65 Pop artist Lichtenstein ROY
66 Sun., on Mon. YEST
67 Mother in Calcutta TERESA
1 Ponte Vecchio’s river ARNO
2 Conserve KEEP
3 Foot part INCH
4 Hornswoggled TAKEN IN
5 Charlotte __ AMALIE
6 Frequent discount recipient SENIOR
7 Word with water or air GUN
8 Energy org. since 1960 OPEC
9 Florida city, familiarly BOCA
10 They’re kept in pens INKS
11 Dash, but not dot TRACK EVENT
12 Orange __ PEKOE
13 Picnic dishes SLAWS
18 Smidge DAB
22 Sci-fi award HUGO
24 Values highly ESTEEMS
26 Spouted vessel EWER
27 Palm fruit DATE
28 1954 Best Actress Oscar winner GRACE KELLY
30 Some den leaders MOMS
31 Cycle starter? UNI-
32 HBO title forensic technician, familiarly DEX
34 Aspen gear SKIS
35 Scary-sounding lake ERIE
36 NASA part: Abbr. NATL
38 Soft sound COO
39 Meyers of “Kate & Allie” ARI
42 Certain happy hour exclamation TGIF
43 Bit of 11-Down gear SNEAKER
45 Borrow the limit on MAX OUT
46 Combat OPPOSE
47 Sharp weapon SPEAR
48 “You __ grounded!” ARE SO
50 ’70s TV lawman Ramsey HEC
52 Auction venue EBAY
53 Bit of TLC? CARE
54 WBA decisions TKOS
56 Muse count NINE
57 Goes with SEES
58 Spanish pronoun ESTA
61 D.C. summer hrs. EDT
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