Crossword by: Julian Lim and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Thursday October 17 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! No noticeable theme today just play and have fun.
Across Answers
1. Fur tycoon ASTOR
The Astor dynasty, has John Jacob Astor to thank for all his wise business sense that has been handed dow to generations. He was the very first American to become a multi-millionaire in the country.
6. “Due Date” co-star Galifianakis ZACH
Zach Galifianakis may be known as a comedian, but he’s also musically inclined. He’s a very good pianist.
10. Rock blasters AMPS
14. Conveyed BORNE
15. Bassoon cousin OBOE
The oboe is a double reed musical instrument with a soprano range. The bassoon is also a double reed woodwind instrument made for tenor clefs and bass.
16. Wreak havoc in the streets RIOT
17. *Victor at Little Bighorn CHIEF CRAZY HORSE
Crazy horse is the Oglala Lakota’s war leader. He fought for the Lakota people against the US Federal Government, and won against the in June 1876 at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.
20. Zilch NADA
Nada. Zilch. Zero. Nothing.
21. Fantasy game brute ORC
Orcs are the evil creatures in Tolkien’s Lord Of The Rings trilogy. Since then, they have been regular characters in fantasy fiction games.
22. Latin lesson word AMAT
Amo: I love. Amas: You love. Amat: He, she, it loves. Amamus: We love. Amatis: You love. Amant: They love.
23. New Year’s ___ EVE
Less than three month’s away. Got any plans?
24. *2006 “Survivor” setting COOK ISLANDS
The Cook Islands are comprised of fifteen islands located in the South Pacific Ocean. New Zealand is responsible for its foreign affairs and defence, as it is in free assciation with the country.
28. Attacked WENT AT
30. November honoree VET
31. “I’m an idiot!” D丹H!
Homer Simpson’s favorite expression
32. Abs strengthener SIT-UP
33. Leave port SAIL
35. Apportioning word EACH
36. *Nursed, in a way BOTTLE-FED
39. Gp. that houses strays SPCA
ASPCA stands for American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and is a non-profit organization aimed at stopping animal cruelty. Since its formation in 1866, its headquarters are in New York City. Its motto is “We are their voice.”
42. Bowlers and trilbies HATS
43. Millionaire’s retreat VILLA
How I wish I had one…
47. Strudel ___ mode A LA
The Strudel originated in Hungary and became very popular during the 18th century. This layered pastry often has a sweet filling and sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.
48. Jon Hamm’s “Mad Men” role __ Draper DON
Don Draper is played as an arrogant man in the show of “Mad Men,” but he is also known to be honest and very chivalrous and protective of his subordinates.
49. Vocation METIER
A metier is an occupation or a profession.
50. *All-in-one appliance WASHER-DRYER
54. Dye holder VAT
55. Classy CHIC
56. Fish you can smoke EEL
57. Ricky portrayer DESI
Arnaz Desi played the role of Ricky Ricardo (Lucy’s husband) in the 50s hit show, I Love Lucy.
58. Handy person suggested by the starts of the answers to starred clues JACK OF ALL TRADES
“Jack of all trades, master of none”
62. Nebraska native OTOE
The Otoe Tribe is known for making the American Bison the center of their culture and diet.
63. Like Iago, say EVIL
Iago is the main villain in William Shakespeare’s Othello. He hates Othello and devised a plan to make Othello think that his wife is cheating on him with Michael Cassio, his first leutenant.
64. Rice/Lloyd Webber musical EVITA
This musical is based on Eva Peron’s life, her rise to power, her numerous charity works, and her death.
65. Trees used to make longbows YEWS
66. Attends to one’s whistle? WETS
67. Unreactive gas XENON
Xenon is atomic number 54 and has the symbol Xe. It is a type of noble gas that is heavy, colorless, and odorless. It can be found in trace amounts n the Earth’s atmosphere.
Down Answers
1. Sawyer employer ABC NEWS
ABC News was founded in 1945, to keep companies like CBS and NBC from dominating in the US as the only radio broadcasters. Diane Sawyer became one of its key people in 1989.
2. “Same here!” SO HAVE I!
3. Poseidon’s staff TRIDENT
Poseidon is the god of the sea in Greek mythology and is one of the 12 Olympian deities. It was said that everytime he feels ignored or offended, he strikes his trident unto the ground, causing people to drown, and shipwrecks and to happen.
4. __ Day vitamins ONE A
5. Authority on a field REF
6. Masked hero who debuted in the 1919 story “The Curse of Capistrano” ZORRO
Zorro (English: fox) is a masked outlaw who is a defender of the oppressed. He is the secret identity of a Californio nobleman Don Diego de la Vega during the Spanish colonial era
7. Stunned way to be taken ABACK
8. Member of the fam COZ
Coz, cuz, or cousin
9. Casual greeting HEY
10. Cookie shop enticement AROMA
11. Ferdinand’s love in “The Tempest” MIRANDA
Miranda is Prospero’s daughter. She is known to be very compassionate and, because she grew up in an island with only her father and their slave as company, was unaware of the evils of the world.
12. Ph.D.’s further studies POSTDOC
13. Jeanne d’Arc, for one: Abbr. STE
Jeanne d’Arc, or Joan of Arc, who is also called “The Maid of Orleans” is a Roman Catholic Saint and a French heroine of her time. She was born to a poor family, but grew up to lead the French army to numerous notable victories at the time of the Hundred Years’ War. This paved the way for Charles VII to become king. She was charged of “insubordination and heterodoxy” by an English bishop, and burned at the stake for charges of heresy. She was only 19 years old when she died.
18. Old geezer COOT
19. “Come no closer!” HALT!
24. Consiglieri’s boss CAPO
Capo, the shortened term for caporegime or capodecina, is a term given to a high-ranking official of the Mafia. A consiglieri serves as a counselor to the capo.
25. Penn et al. IVIES
The University of Pennsylvania is one of the Ivy League Schools in the country. It was founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1740.
Other Ivy League schools are Columbia, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania.
26. Contained opening? SELF
27. “Too noisy!” SHH!
29. Big band instrument TUBA
33. Defensive effort STAND
34. Ctrl-__-Delete ALT
The Ctrl-Alt-Delete command is used on a computer (Windows OS) to start up the Task Manager.
35. Correct EDIT
37. Superhero with a hammer THOR
Thor is a god of the Norse mythology who wields a hammer. He is associated with storms, thunder and lightning, and oak trees. He is known for his strength, healing, and protection of mankind, among others.
It is where Thor the superhero was based from, appearing as one of the founding members of the Avengers team. The character first debuted in August 1962 on Marvel Comics.
38. Even once EVER
39. Chain __ SAW
40. Give a sop to PLACATE
41. Moneymaker CASH COW
44. Not vacant LIVED-IN
45. Charge for using, as an apartment LEASE TO
46. Potter or jeweler, e.g. ARTISAN
48. Style of a historic Miami Beach district DECO
49. Get gooey MELT
51. Outdoor outings HIKES
Don’t you just love the smell of nature?
52. Bright again RELIT
53. Argues ineffectively YELLS
57. Comic Chappelle DAVE
Dave Chappelle once advertised for both Coca Cola and Pepsi (on different occasions, of course.)
58. Almond __ JOY
Almond Joy is manufactured by Hershey’s with a center that is coconut-based, topped with two almonds. It was introduced in the year 1946 by Peter Paul Halajian’s company, Winjamy Candy Manufacturing Company.
The company merged with Cadbury in 1978, and in 1988, Hershey’s bought the US portion of the company.
59. Select group? FEW
60. Roman salutation AVE
61. T. __ REX
The Tyrannosaurus rex was one of the most feared dinosaurs during the Cretaceous period. Its name means “tyrant lizard” from the Greek words tyrannos + sauros, and “rex” is “king” in Latin.
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