Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday October 17th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Quick blows JABS
5 In need of a massage ACHY
9 “Back to the Future” surname MCFLY
14 Kitchen topper OLEO
15 Repeatable toy vehicle sound CHOO
16 Pine or Rock CHRIS
17 Duo in the news ITEM
18 Pushed the bell RANG
19 Fountain pen precursor QUILL
20 Article about life jackets? SAFETY FEATURE
23 Whirl, so to speak TRY
24 Brewed beverages ALES
25 Didn’t let renege on HELD TO
28 Chi follower PSI
29 Bumbler BEE
30 Steal from ROB
31 Article about a European language? GREEK COLUMN
36 Serpent suffix -INE
37 Latest thing RAGE
38 Monet medium OIL
39 CBS military series NCIS
40 Texter’s “Yikes!” OMG
41 Article about crosswords? PUZZLE PIECE
45 Solemn assurance VOW
46 Word ending for enzymes -ASE
47 Deli delicacy LOX
48 Surround, as with a glow ENHALO
50 Cherokee on the road JEEP
52 Dude BRO
55 Article about a dessert? ICE CREAM SCOOP
58 Choral work MOTET
60 Small addition? -ETTE
61 Honey haven HIVE
62 Ward off AVERT
63 School near Windsor ETON
64 __-friendly USER
65 Entourage POSSE
66 “The Metaphysics of Morals” writer KANT
67 Cubs spring training city MESA
1 Support beam JOIST
2 Destination for a wedding ALTAR
3 Like many wrestlers BEEFY
4 Unspecified amount SOME
5 Nail salon material ACRYLIC
6 Irritate CHAFE
7 Sharpens HONES
8 Class with mats YOGA
9 “12 Years a Slave” director Steve MCQUEEN
10 Boor CHURL
11 Panda Express staple FRIED RICE
12 Short short? LI’L
13 Designer monogram YSL
21 Assignment TASK
22 Classic 1954 horror film about giant ants THEM
26 Vodka __ TONIC
27 More than a bit heavy OBESE
28 Middle of Tripoli? PEE
29 One advocating buying BULL
31 Trees of a kind, often GROVE
32 San __, city near San Francisco RAMON
33 Meringue ingredients EGG WHITES
34 Go slowly OOZE
35 Claiborne of fashion LIZ
39 Scuttle NIX
41 Painter’s set of colors PALETTE
42 Biennial games org. USOC
43 Mercury, for one ELEMENT
44 Orchestra name reflecting its music POPS
49 Superb servers ACERS
50 Volkswagen sedan JETTA
51 Big name in stationery EATON
52 Capital WNW of Cheyenne BOISE
53 Wanders ROVES
54 Stage performance with singing OPERA
56 Give a strong impression (of) REEK
57 Buddy CHUM
58 Hiker’s guide MAP
59 Lacto-__vegetarian OVO
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