Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday October 20th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 One of a pair in “Waiting for Godot” ACT
4 __ ray COSMIC
10 Where rds. meet JCTS
14 Frat address BRO
15 Iris ring AREOLA
16 Obama’s birthplace OAHU
17 Basic resting place COT
18 Personal guide VALUE SYSTEM
20 Start of “A Visit From St. Nicholas” ’TWAS
22 Common base TEN
23 ”Joke’s on you!” HA-HA!
24 Shoe fastener VELCRO STRIP
27 Animal’s gullet MAW
30 ”To see __ is a picture”: Dickinson HER
31 Make subservient ENSLAVE
33 Nincompoop BOOB
35 ”Biggest Little City in the World” RENO
37 Next Dodger after Fernando to win the Cy Young Award OREL
38 Historic Manhattan jazz club VILLAGE VANGUARD
41 Ancient Icelandic text EDDA
42 Birthstone for some Scorpios OPAL
43 Bavarian count opener EINS
44 Pose anew, as a question REFRAME
46 Hosp. areas ERS
47 Put away ATE
48 Cloud above a peak VOLCANIC ASH
54 Hideout LAIR
56 Crude shelter HUT
57 Thing on a string KITE
58 Source of the Romance languages VULGAR LATIN
62 Sound after a punch OOF!
63 How some games are won, briefly IN OT
64 Dawn goddess AURORA
65 Aflame LIT
66 Cuts MOWS
67 Shows disapproval, in a way HISSES
68 Far from friendly ICY
1 ”How to Get Away With Murder” airer ABC TV
2 Actor Russell CROWE
3 Whole TOTAL
4 Member of the reigning NBA champs CAV
5 Big talker ORATOR
6 Graf rival SELES
7 See 12-Down.. MOUNT
8 The Seine’s __ Saint-Germain ILE
9 Use to one’s advantage CASH IN ON
10 Tease JOSH
11 Regatta racer CATAMARAN
12 With 7-Down, sermon site THE…
13 (In) brief SUM
19 Prattles YAPS
21 Gentleman, at times? SCHOLAR
25 Sitcom that starred a singer REBA
26 Kidney-related RENAL
28 States as fact AVERS
29 Join with heat WELD
32 Comedian who said, “I have a lot of beliefs, and I live by none of ’em” LOUIS CK
33 Lavatory fixture BIDET
35 Turn off REPEL
36 Green of “Penny Dreadful” EVA
38 Designer Wang VERA
39 Scene of biblical destruction GOMORRAH
40 Spice Girl Halliwell GERI
45 Nike competitor AVIA
46 Whole ENTIRE
49 Blackens CHARS
50 Jaguars, for instance AUTOS
51 Garlicky spread AIOLI
52 Unlikely to come unglued STOIC
53 Big name in the bags aisle HEFTY
55 Fed. employees AGTS
58 Energetic spirit VIM
59 Game with wild cards UNO
60 Him, to Henri LUI
61 ”A Queens Story” rapper NAS
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