Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Thursday October 31st 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Spot for a salt scrub SPA
4 Aromatic evergreen BALSAM
10 Wind with nearly a three-octave range OBOE
14 Fresh from the oven HOT
15 Collection of hives APIARY
16 Sullen look POUT
17 Track RUT
18 Halloween feeling in a warren? RABBIT FEARS
20 Buffalo lake ERIE
22 Like the vb. “go” IRR
23 Belly laugh syllable HAR
24 Halloween feeling near a water supply? WELL DREAD
27 Valleys DALES
31 “Take Care” Grammy winner DRAKE
32 “We’ve waited long enough” IT’S TIME
34 Bebe’s “Frasier” role LILITH
38 Overlook OMIT
39 Halloween feeling in the office? CLERICAL TERRORS
44 Enjoy privileged status RATE
45 Poise APLOMB
46 It may get the ball rolling INCLINE
48 Trio in “To be, or not to be” IAMBS
53 “Borstal Boy” author Brendan BEHAN
54 Halloween feeling in the yard? LAWN SCARE
58 Angel dust, initially PCP
60 “You wish, laddie!” NAE
61 Put out EMIT
62 Halloween feeling in the loo? FLUSH FRIGHT
67 Summer hrs. in Denver MDT
68 Stood ROSE
69 Paparazzo’s gear CAMERA
70 Mature AGE
71 Lumberjacks’ tools AXES
72 Gave it more gas SPED UP
73 Finch family creator LEE
1 Astute SHREWD
2 Bartender, often POURER
3 Fifth-century conqueror ATTILA
4 Soap unit BAR
5 Two (of) A PAIR
6 Cuba __ LIBRE
7 Brand of hummus and guacamole SABRA
8 Actor Millen of “Orphan Black” ARI
9 Folk story MYTH
10 Wheeler-dealer OPERATOR
11 Feathery neckwear BOA
12 CSNY’s “__ House” OUR
13 Many “Guardians of the Galaxy” characters ETS
19 Latest things FADS
21 Rockies bugler ELK
25 Sandwich sourceDELI
26 “Same here” DITTO
28 Vehicle with a partition LIMO
29 Mideast potentate EMIR
30 Slowly sinks from the sky SETS
33 Those folks THEM
35 Confident words I CAN
36 Suit part sometimes grabbed LAPEL
37 Unhealthy ILL
39 Nursery piece CRIB
40 Narrow way LANE
41 Engrave ETCH
42 Backslides RELAPSES
43 Hitting stat RBIS
47 Advance slowly INCH
49 Big club ACE
50 Koala, for example MAMMAL
51 Game based on whist BRIDGE
52 Living room piece SETTEE
55 Japanese art genre ANIME
56 Carried on WAGED
57 Big name in Indian politics NEHRU
59 Some GIs… PFCS
62 Monk’s address FRA
63 Cured salmon LOX
64 Employ USE
65 31-Across genre RAP
66 Covert information source TAP
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