Tuesday’s Crossword by: Annemarie Brethauer
Tuesday’s theme: Sheet Music – 65 Across hints to the theme for today. There are four themed answers each end with a word that you would find on a piece of sheet music. The answers are: Post it Note, Coffee Bar, Hot Line and Wait Staff. Sounds good to me:)
Here is the complete list of answers for the Tuesday April 15th LA Times crossword puzzle:
Across Answers
1. Wire insulator TAPE
5. Australian gemstone OPAL
9. Dressed CLAD
13. They’re found in veins ORES
14. Zany escapade CAPER
16. Saintly ring HALO
17. Yellow sticky brand POST-IT NOTE
19. Eric of “Spamalot” IDLE
20. Color HUE
21. Manicurist’s concern NAIL
22. “Breaking Bad” award EMMY
24. Out of bed ASTIR
26. Caffeination station COFFEE BAR
30. Vessel for the Mad Hatter TEACUP
32. Fast-running bird OSTRICH
33. Kibbutz country ISRAEL
36. 18th-century composer Thomas ARNE
37. Kenya neighbor: Abbr. SOM
40. Crisis phone service HOTLINE
43. “Breaking Bad” law org. DEA
44. Journey TRIP
46. Shed, with “off” SLOUGH
48. Solar or lunar phenomenon ECLIPSE
51. Hiss and hum NOISES
55. Café serving group WAIT STAFF
58. Flawless IDEAL
59. British “Bye-bye” TATA
60. Tees off IRES
62. Electronic eavesdropping org. NSA
63. Jalopy HEAP
65. Composer’s output, and where to find the last words of 17-, 26-, 40- and 55-Across SHEET MUSIC
68. Sicilian volcano ETNA
69. Golf targets HOLES
70. Quick gander PEEK
71. Light bulb unit WATT
72. Circular current EDDY
73. Respectful titles SIRS
Down Answers
1. Part of Uncle Sam’s outfit TOP HAT
2. Turn on AROUSE
3. Pre-euro Spanish coin PESETA
4. Repair shop fig. EST
5. Penta- plus three OCTA-
6. Lose one’s cool PANIC
7. 2014 Olympics skating analyst Ohno APOLO
8. Replayed tennis serve LET
9. Fire-breathing Greek monster CHIMERA
10. 1960s White House nickname LADY BIRD
11. Every one ALL
12. Anonymous Jane DOE
15. Snorkeling areas REEFS
18. Arrival en masse INRUSH
23. Bumped into MET
25. Here, to Henri ICI
27. Folded manuscript sheet FOLIO
28. Clearasil target ACNE
29. Actress Perlman RHEA
31. Expert PRO
34. On a cruise, say AT SEA
35. Angled pipe fitting ELL
37. Meat-and-potatoes dish STEW
38. Ocean predator ORCA
39. Combatively supportive MILITANT
41. Religious sister NUN
42. Self-absorption EGOISM
45. Rain-on-the-roof rhythm PIT-A-PAT
47. Kept secret HID
49. Hollywood hrs. PST
50. Money in the mattress, e.g. STASH
52. Karate instructor SENSEI
53. More like child’s play EASIER
54. Men’s Wearhouse items SLACKS
56. Chase flies or grounders FIELD
57. Let loose FREED
61. Online crafts marketplace ETSY
63. Chop with an ax HEW
64. SFO posting ETA
66. Gardening tool HOE
67. Portfolio-increasing market moves UPS
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