Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday April 16th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 “The Big Bang Theory” network CBS
4 Uncertain IFFY
8 Peek at someone else’s test answers, say CHEAT
13 River to the Caspian URAL
15 Where to find a hero DELI
16 Rental document LEASE
17 Opera songs for one SOLI
18 Part of IN ON
19 Ready for action EAGER
20 Farewell performance SWAN SONG
22 Award-winning sci-fi author __ Ellison HARLAN
23 Chess match finale ENDGAME
24 Summer camp craft CANOE
25 Neuter DESEX
26 Squinter’s wrinkles CROW’S FEET
30 Done with employment: Abbr. RET
32 Cathedral recess APSE
33 Go off course YAW
34 Lively Irish dances JIGS
37 “Steppenwolf” writer Hermann HESSE
39 Lyre-playing emperor NERO
40 “Much __ About Nothing” ADO
41 Broadway partner of Rodgers HART
42 Reuben bread RYE
44 Hidden danger BOOBY TRAP
47 Honey-colored AMBER
51 Big rigs SEMIS
52 Track’s inside track LANE ONE
54 Songs of praise PAEANS
56 Easy-peasy task DUCK SOUP
57 Sports stadium ARENA
58 Jellystone Park bear YOGI
59 Actor Miller of “Justice League” EZRA
60 Watchful period VIGIL
61 Keen AVID
62 Sets eyes on SEES
63 Lawn-trimming targets EDGES
64 Ballpoints PENS
65 Banned insecticide DDT
1 Used “colorful” language CUSSED
2 “Doctor My Eyes” singer Jackson __ BROWNE
3 Light lunches SALADS
4 Strong suit or weak sauce IDIOM
5 African desert fox FENNEC
6 Criticize harshly FLOG
7 Yang complement YIN
8 Purify CLEANSE
9 Find out about HEAR OF
10 Keen-sighted sort EAGLE EYE
11 Between ports ASEA
12 Seagull kin TERN
14 Won’t go away, as an odor LINGERS
21 __-Coburg: former Bavarian duchy SAXE
22 Mooring rope HAWSER
24 Foes of robbers COPS
27 Many a reggae artist RASTA
28 Corn serving EAR
29 Romantic dinner complement TWO
31 “To clarify … ” THAT IS
34 Quick punch JAB
35 Swearing-in words I DO
36 Big fat zero GOOSE EGG
38 Drops the ball ERRS
39 Formidable opponents NEMESES
41 Church books with many notes HYMNALS
43 Sudden pull YANK
45 Small skullcap BEANIE
46 Connect to an outlet PLUG IN
48 Drank to excess BOOZED
49 Hardened (to) ENURED
50 Dinner, say REPAST
53 Corrosive compounds ACIDS
54 Cover with asphalt PAVE
55 Like the Mojave ARID
56 Jackknifed into the pool, say DOVE
58 Chatter YAP
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