Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday August 27th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Makes a hasty getaway LAMS
5 Insect stage after larva PUPA
9 Bathroom wall piece TILE
13 Not many A FEW
14 Umpires’ decisions CALLS
16 Cabinet dept. with a windmill on its seal ENER
17 Toy on a track MODEL TRAIN
19 Volcanic output LAVA
20 WWI French soldier POILU
21 Almanacs, calendars, etc. YEARLIES
23 Drag one’s feet STALL
24 Native growth in an Asian orchard MANGO TREE
25 Philosopher __-tzu LAO
27 Mme., in Madrid SRA
28 Money for the poor ALMS
32 Ancient colonnade STOA
35 Bumper sticker word ELECT
39 Grilling accessory MEAT THERMOMETER
42 Award for “Green Book” OSCAR
43 Spanish appetizer TAPA
44 Ward of “Once and Again” SELA
45 Korean soldier ROK
47 Springsteen’s “Born in the __” USA
49 Result of too-tight jeans, perhaps MUFFIN TOP
54 TV monitoring device V-CHIP
59 Directed OVERSEEN
60 Maine college town ORONO
61 “Star Trek” helmsman SULU
62 Blather, and a phonetic hint to the four other longest answers EMPTY WORDS
65 “The Time Machine” race ELOI
66 Gave an address SPOKE
67 Foul mood SNIT
68 Director Gus Van __ SANT
69 Laundry blemish SPOT
70 Red and Coral, but not pin SEAS
1 Reading lights LAMPS
2 Underway, to Sherlock AFOOT
3 TV, radio, newspapers, etc. MEDIA
4 “Great!” SWELL
5 Interest rate fig. PCT
6 Short-lived Egypt-Syr. alliance UAR
7 __ del Rey: L.A. beach community PLAYA
8 Roswell crash victim, supposedly ALIEN
9 Stretch the truth TELL TALES
10 “… bombs bursting __” IN AIR
11 Protective river embankment LEVEE
12 Clear from the blackboard ERASE
15 Hitches SNAGS
18 Temporary calm LULL
22 Composer Ned ROREM
24 Sacred choral piece MOTET
26 Volcanic output ASH
28 Latin “I love” AMO
29 French article LES
30 Rock’s Fleetwood __ MAC
31 Tropical food that has a five-point shape when sliced STAR FRUIT
33 U.K. singer Rita __ ORA
34 Intensify AMP UP
36 Hot time on the Riviera ETE
37 Cartoon frame CEL
38 La-la lead-in TRA-
40 Square root of neuf TROIS
41 Western treaty gp. OAS
46 “Trick” joints KNEES
48 Declare openly AVOW
49 Exodus leader MOSES
50 Throat dangler UVULA
51 Serious criminal FELON
52 Subs at the office TEMPS
53 “Hop __”: Dr. Seuss book ON POP
55 In a foul mood CROSS
56 “Stormy Weather” singer Lena HORNE
57 Mumbai’s land INDIA
58 Twitter updates POSTS
63 Ring ref’s decision TKO
64 To this point YET
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