Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday December 11th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. With 18-Across, R.E.M. guitarist PETER
6. Microscope glass LENS
10. All snuggled in COZY
14. Support piece BRACE
15. 1998 Sarah McLachlan hit ADIA
16. Black-and-white cookie OREO
17. Anglo-__ SAXON
18. With 35-Across, 10-time “SNL” host who was Belushi’s straight man in samurai routines BUCK
19. Restaurant handout MENU
20. Gritty film genre NOIR
22. “We are gathered __ today … ” HERE
24. “Say that’s true … ” IF SO
27. Speedway event RACE
29. Entertainment award quartets, for short EGOTS
33. Swiss skiing spot ALP
34. Pops, to tots DADAS
35. With 44-Across, hitter of 755 home runs HENRY
36. “Perhaps I’m wrong” MAYBE NOT
38. Takes effect SETS IN
39. What six people in this puzzle might be said to possess TWO FIRST NAMES
41. Climbs, as a cliff SCALES
42. Staggered TEETERED
44. With 57-Across, “Breaking Bad” actor AARON
45. Gives (out) sparingly DOLES
46. Passé TV accessory VCR
47. Sediment layer DREGS
48. Courtroom cry OYEZ
49. Big Apple team METS
50. Weak end? -NESS
52. Anti-cruelty org. PETA
54. Green gemstone JADE
57. With 68-Across, Garfunkel’s partner PAUL
59. Zest OOMPH
63. Big Aussie birds EMUS
64. Taj Mahal city AGRA
65. Worker, briefly PROLE
66. Ocean motion TIDE
67. Depend (on) RELY
68. With 1-Across, one of the Twelve Apostles SIMON
1. “Arthur” TV station PBS
2. Notable time ERA
3. Withholding __ TAX
4. Lodge opening? ECONO-
5. Nevada casino city RENO
6. Chocolate dog LABRADOR
7. Emory email ender EDU
8. Wall recesses NICHES
9. “For heaven’s __!” SAKE
10. Impatient after-school text to a parent COME GET ME
11. Salem is its cap. ORE
12. Buddhist sect ZEN
13. “__ busy?” YOU
21. Tehran residents IRANIS
23. Warms up, as leftovers REHEATS
24. Dr. Seuss’ Sam-__ I-AM
25. Sideless train unit FLATCAR
26. Invasive computer program SPYWARE
28. Scratching-post attachment CAT’S TOY
30. With no breaks, as a tennis set ON SERVE
31. Cut into four-inch pieces, as a footlong sub TRISECT
32. Dict. entry SYN
34. Pass rusher’s team DEFENSE
37. Meaty spaghetti sauce BOLOGNESE
38. React to dust SNEEZE
40. Script for TV TELEPLAY
41. Down or blue SAD
43. Rx writers DRS
45. Rx quantity DOSAGE
49. New Zealand native MAORI
51. Prepare for a boxing day? SPAR
53. A++ …TOPS
54. Airbus product JET
55. French buddy AMI
56. Failed firecracker DUD
58. Clickable link URL
60. Boo-boo kisser MOM
61. Gaza Strip gp. PLO
62. “An egg’s way of making another egg”: Samuel Butler HEN
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