Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday December 17th 2024, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Mount Etna outflow : LAVA
5 Some Dropbox files, informally : DOCS
9 After-dinner coffee choice : DECAF
14 Atop : UPON
15 Whack, as a fly : SWAT
16 Express a view : OPINE
17 Jell-O shaper : MOLD
18 Iced tea garnish : LEMON WEDGE
20 Book jacket summary : BLURB
22 Classical form of poetry : EPODE
23 Art class staple with a bovine logo : ELMER’S GLUE
26 Clean air org. : EPA
29 Fish eggs : ROE
30 Soccer match chant : OLE
31 Trudged : PLODDED
34 Vodka brand, for short : STOLI
36 Bump in the night, e.g. : NOISE
37 Coerce, or what can be done to 18-, 23-, 52-, and 58-Across : PUT THE SQUEEZE ON
42 Japanese cartoon genre : ANIME
43 Flair : STYLE
44 “That’s a lie!” : NOT TRUE
47 Once named : NEE
48 Place to luxuriate : SPA
51 That, in Toledo : ESO
52 Handheld tension reliever : STRESS BALL
55 Magazine edition : ISSUE
57 Leafy starter : SALAD
58 Bathtime floater : RUBBER DUCK
63 Cry from a forgetful performer : LINE
64 Shake hands (on) : AGREE
65 Actor Morales : ESAI
66 “… and they all lived happily _ after” : EVER
67 “_ for dinner?” : WHAT’S
68 Email button : SEND
69 “Phooey!” : RATS
1 Wood planks : LUMBER
2 Moon program of the 1960s and 1970s : APOLLO
3 Remote control adjustment : VOLUME
4 Braugher of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” : ANDRE
5 Broadband initials : DSL
6 Run a tab : OWE
7 Desert beast : CAMEL
8 Clog : STOP UP
9 Pulitzer-winning columnist Maureen : DOWD
10 Fencing sword : EPEE
11 Legendary Spanish knight El __ : CID
12 Director Lee : ANG
13 Broker’s charge : FEE
19 Christmas carol : NOEL
21 Epson competitor : BROTHER
24 Plumlike fruit : SLOE
25 Comes together well : GELS
26 Actress Falco : EDIE
27 Colombian currency : PESO
28 Yemen coastal city : ADEN
32 Almost as many : ONE LESS
33 Catch some z’s : DOZE
34 Acct. summary : STMT
35 Brainpower nos. : IQS
37 Window section : PANE
38 Deep-dish pizza chain, informally : UNO’S
39 Mambo legend Puente : TITO
40 Alternative magazine name : UTNE
41 Peepers : EYES
45 Letters on outdated maps : USSR
46 Many Chopin piano pieces : ETUDES
48 Mouth moistener : SALIVA
49 Mars or Mercury : PLANET
50 Birch family trees : ALDERS
53 Find a new purpose for : REUSE
54 Hay bundle maker : BALER
55 “Yeah, sure!” : I BET
56 Observes : SEES
58 Uncooked : RAW
59 “Yuck!” : UGH
60 Bali garment : BRA
61 Soup holder : CAN
62 Jest : KID
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