Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday February 19th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Deep opera voices BASSI
6. Quaint “you” THOU
10. “SOS” pop group ABBA
14. From square one AGAIN
15. Pair on a Disney World hat EARS
16. Little brook RILL
17. *Sore loser’s reaction SOUR GRAPES
19. Live __: party hearty IT UP
20. Temporary period INTERIM
21. Clytemnestra’s son ORESTES
23. Soap-making chemical LYE
24. Often A LOT
26. Road’s end? -STER
27. Versatile vehicle, for short UTE
28. Handel’s “Messiah” is one ORATORIO
32. Vertical billiards stroke MASSE
35. Not fresh STALE
36. Ambient music pioneer Brian ENO
37. Apple computer IMAC
38. Fifth and newest member of the set that includes the starts of the answers to starred clues UMAMI
39. NYPD rank INSP
40. Zero, like chances NIL
41. “Full court” NBA defense PRESS
42. Pat Conroy’s “The Prince of __” TIDES
43. Corporate info-sharing system INTRANET
45. Hawaiian dish POI
46. “Chestnuts roasting __ open fire” ON AN
47. Online craft store ETSY
49. Rap sheet abbr. AKA
52. Elks, in Canada WAPITIS
55. __ Kodak EASTMAN
57. Top poker cards ACES
58. *Valentine recipient SWEETHEART
60. Ready for harvesting RIPE
61. Half of Mork’s sign-off NANU
62. Novelist Joyce Carol __ OATES
63. Smartphone ancestors, briefly PDAS
64. Cookbook amt. TBSP
65. “Elder” Roman scholar PLINY
1. Fragrant herb BASIL
2. Ecstasy’s opposite AGONY
3. Fry SAUTE
4. “Your Highness” SIRE
5. Unappreciative one INGRATE
6. Pedro’s “I love you” TE AMO
7. WWII General __ Arnold HAP
8. Crumbled sundae-topping cookie OREO
9. Cold War power: Abbr. USSR
10. Noble Brit ARISTO
11. *Finale to fight to, with “the” BITTER END
12. Treatment for gray hair BLUE RINSE
13. Swiss peaks ALPS
18. Irritate but good RILE
22. 90° from sur ESTE
25. How food may be seasoned TO TASTE
27. Trojans’ sch. USC
29. Male sheep RAMS
30. Thrilla in Manila boxer ALI
31. “My bad!” OOPS!
32. Revealing skirt MINI
33. Protein building block AMINO ACID
34. *Hip-hop trio with a condimental name SALT-N-PEPA
35. “Peter Pan” pirate SMEE
38. Reception server URN
39. Three, on a sundial III
41. Breathe heavily PANT
42. Kid’s favorite store, often TOY SHOP
44. Elevates RAISES
45. 10th-grader’s exam, for short PSAT
48. Start a golf hole TEE UP
49. Vintage violin AMATI
50. Megan’s “Will & Grace” role KAREN
51. Anxious ANTSY
52. __ speed: “Star Trek” rate WARP
53. Fails to be ISN’T
54. Q-tip SWAB
56. Greenish-blue TEAL
59. Nav. rank ENS
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