Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday February 4th 2020, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Madeline of “History of the World, Part I” KAHN
5 Respectful address to a woman MA’AM
9 Declare void ANNUL
14 Sailing or whaling ASEA
15 Jackson 5 hairdo AFRO
16 Golden-egg layer GOOSE
17 Line on a Yankee uniform PINSTRIPE
19 Lather, __, repeat RINSE
20 Have a share (of) PARTAKE
21 Arachnophobe’s worry SPIDERS
23 “__ questions?” ANY
24 Lean (on) RELY
26 “Gorillas in the Mist” primate APE
27 Youngest “American Idol” winner JORDIN SPARKS
32 Skirt fold PLEAT
35 Facts and figures DATA
36 Square root of IX… III
37 Open and breezy AIRY
38 Like babies’ knees PUDGY
40 Laugh really hard HOWL
41 Rule, briefly REG
42 Pueblo-dwelling people HOPI
43 Numerical relationship RATIO
44 Several characters on TV’s “The Americans” RUSSIAN SPIES
48 List-ending abbr. ETC
49 Throw hard HURL
50 Morse code word DAH
53 Portable charcoal grill HIBACHI
57 How some chew gum NOISILY
59 Novelist Wharton EDITH
60 Washing machine feature shown graphically in this puzzle’s circles SPIN CYCLE
62 Free-for-all MELEE
63 “The African Queen” screenwriter James AGEE
64 Gas in a sign NEON
65 Burpee buy SEEDS
66 Hospital section WARD
67 “¿Cómo __ usted?” ESTA
1 Phi Beta __ KAPPA
2 Lai or Thai ASIAN
3 Name of eight English kings HENRY
4 Condé __ NAST
5 Sharpie, for one MARKER
6 Off the beaten path AFIELD
7 Dadaist Jean ARP
8 “The Simpsons” bar MOE’S
9 Marcus __, victorious commander at Actium AGRIPPA
10 “I’m drawing a blank” NO IDEA
11 Zilch NONE
12 44-Across’ land: Abbr. USSR
13 Levi’s alternatives LEES
18 Mystic’s deck TAROT
22 Sickly pale PASTY
25 Language that gave us “kvetch” YIDDISH
27 Gatsby of “The Great Gatsby” JAY
28 Remind nonstop NAG
29 Run amok RIOT
30 Fuzzy fruit KIWI
31 Fodder holder SILO
32 Henry VIII’s last wife Catherine PARR
33 In __ of: substituted for LIEU
34 Energy units ERGS
38 Cook just below a boil POACH
39 Network absorbed by The CW… UPN
40 Possesses HAS
42 Bums a ride HITCHES
43 Piece from the past RELIC
45 On chairs SEATED
46 Smaller and weaker PUNIER
47 Smoothed out the wrinkles IRONED
50 Cuts into cubes DICES
51 Portion out ALLOT
52 “Laughing” scavenger HYENA
53 Garment edges HEMS
54 Bordeaux notion IDEE
55 Gallbladder fluid BILE
56 Part of Caesar’s boast I SAW
58 Holiday song ender SYNE
61 Ryder Cup co-administrating org. PGA
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