Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday January 14th 2025, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Misses : GALS
5 Taj Mahal city : AGRA
9 In addition : PLUS
13 “The Reader” actress Lena : OLIN
14 Pedicure targets : TOES
15 Tuscan city : SIENA
16 Surfaces for playing board games : TABLETOPS
18 Disconnected : APART
19 Actor Vigoda : ABE
20 “Super cool” : RAD
21 Homeric journey : ODYSSEY
23 Zeroes out for container weight, say : TARES
25 One that might get turned into stone? : SCREW
27 That girl : HER
28 Big name in cinema : IMAX
29 Lateral handsprings : CARTWHEELS
31 _ Alto, California : PALO
32 “_ seen worse” : I’VE
33 Finishes up : ENDS
34 Collections of episodes overseen by showrunners : TV SEASONS
38 Help (out) : BAIL
40 Rap battle VIPs : MCS
41 Collection of Norse poems : EDDA
45 Triangular snack chips from PepsiCo : POPCORNERS
48 Greek god of war : ARES
49 Freezer cubes : ICE
50 Crystal-lined rock : GEODE
51 Material : CLOTH
52 Like futuristic tech : NEXT-GEN
54 Govt. org. employing ecologists : EPA
56 Poker prize : POT
57 Harsh light : GLARE
58 Round after the Elite Eight, and what the ends of 16-, 29-, 34-, and 45-Across are? : FINAL FOUR
61 Bull on glue bottles : ELMER
62 Once more : ANEW
63 Energy field read by a psychic : AURA
64 Spinal column element : DISK
65 Little bits : TADS
66 Marketplace with personalized gifts : ETSY
1 “Care to share your expertise?” : GOT A TIP
2 The Crimson Tide of the NCAA : ALABAMA
3 Generous : LIBERAL
4 NBC skit show, for short : SNL
5 “_ baby!”: “Way to go!” : ATTA
6 “Talked your way out of trouble there!” : GOOD SAVE
7 Gym unit : REP
8 Arrange by category : ASSORT
9 Gladys Knight & the _ : PIPS
10 Like a dog in a crowded park, ideally : LEASHED
11 Lets out, as a fishing line : UNREELS
12 Mythical forest folk : SATYRS
15 Drink pourer’s words : SAY WHEN
17 Hectic hosp. areas : ERS
22 Morning drops : DEW
24 Otherworldly : EXOTIC
26 __ spinach : CREAMED
29 Lead-in to gender : CIS-
30 Ratify with a stamp, quaintly : ENSEAL
35 Many a YouTuber : VLOGGER
36 Sifted through, as candidates : SCREENED
37 CIA predecessor : OSS
38 Italian tenor Andrea : BOCELLI
39 HS tests taken for college credit : AP EXAMS
42 Quit school : DROP OUT
43 Roundabout routes : DETOURS
44 Container in a smoking lounge : ASHTRAY
45 Made unwanted sounds, as an engine : PINGED
46 Food Network host Drummond : REE
47 Like some yogurt : NONFAT
51 Nev. neighbor : CAL
53 Lengthy hike : TREK
55 Rabbit’s feet : PAWS
59 Food Network host Garten : INA
60 Neopronoun sometimes spelled “fey” : FAE
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