Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday June 14th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Drink-cooling shapes CUBES
6 Family girl SIS
9 Neighborhood AREA
13 Seize USURP
14 So very uncool LAME
15 Mascara target LASH
16 *Where hockey transgressors cool their heels PENALTY BOX
18 Issue a ticket to CITE
19 Shout of discovery EUREKA!
20 Draft classification ONE-A
21 *Future attorney’s hurdle STATE BAR
25 Where sleeping dogs lie PET BED
27 ”Give me a break!” OH MAN!
28 Decide one will OPT TO
29 Sound confirming a locked car door BEEP
30 Oil-bearing rocks SHALES
33 Jimmy Fallon asset WIT
36 Go wrong ERR
37 June 14th observance… and a hint to the first word in the answers to starred clues FLAG DAY
38 Sudoku section ROW
39 Camping gear brand REI
40 Winner’s wreath LAUREL
41 Voice quality TONE
42 Film snippets CLIPS
44 TV’s “Kate & __” ALLIE
45 ”The ability to fully experience life,” per Thoreau WEALTH
47 *Polite applause on the tee GOLF CLAP
50 ”Money __ object” IS NO
51 Sandy or Roberto of baseball ALOMAR
53 Catch sight of ESPY
54 *Vessel for Captain Jack Sparrow PIRATE SHIP
59 Fired, with “off” LAID
60 Look carefully PEER
61 Gravel unit STONE
62 Colors, as hair DYES
63 NFL gains YDS
64 Cackling scavenger HYENA
1 Many a sports trophy CUP
2 Function USE
3 Hot dog holder BUN
4 Notable time ERA
5 Organ associated with ill temper SPLEEN
6 “Light” sci-fi weapon SABER
7 “Don’t worry about me” I’M OK
8 Physical attractiveness SEX APPEAL
9 ”Little Women” novelist ALCOTT
10 *Colorful sushi creation RAINBOW ROLL
11 Perfumer Lauder ESTEE
12 Down the road AHEAD
14 Harp constellation LYRA
17 Shower stall alternative, if it fits TUB
21 Unloaded? SOBER
22 ”At last!” THERE!
23 *”Drove my Chevy to the levee” Don McLean hit AMERICAN PIE
24 Water source TAP
26 Online crafts shop ETSY
28 Shoppe adjective OLDE
30 Silly to the extreme SLAPHAPPY
31 Fräulein’s abode HAUS
32 Farm sci AGR
34 Ancient Greek region IONIA
35 Follower on Twitter, informally TWEEP
37 Fly like a moth FLIT
41 Affectionate attention, briefly TLC
43 London insurance giant LLOYD’S
44 From scratch AFRESH
45 Exercise, as power WIELD
46 Thoreau work ESSAY
47 Second family of the 1990s GORES
48 ”Rubáiyát” poet OMAR
49 Zero deg. at the equator, say LAT
52 Told tall tales LIED
55 Oinker’s pen STY
56 Clod chopper HOE
57 Ramada __ INN
58 Green soup base PEA
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