Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday June 4th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Animal heard at the end of 30-Across WOLF
5 “Give me __” A SEC
9 Texas A&M student AGGIE
14 Grandstand level TIER
15 Actress Gilbert of “The Conners” SARA
16 Cheating on an ethics exam, e.g. IRONY
17 Suspected 1930s-’40s spy ALGER HISS
19 Animal heard at the end of 46-Across MOOSE
20 Mediocre SO-SO
21 Bandleader Arnaz DESI
23 Baking soda amts. TSPS
24 Selfish types HOGS
26 Thrill to pieces ELATE
28 Sports gp. with a tour PGA
30 Jamaican resort MONTEGO BAY
34 TV host Meredith VIEIRA
36 Blues singer James ETTA
37 Brian of Roxy Music ENO
38 Prefix with mural INTRA-
39 You, in Germany SIE
40 New England fish SCROD
42 Sci-fi figures ETS
43 Brunch, e.g. MEAL
45 Enemy of ancient Athens SPARTA
46 “Humboldt’s Gift” Pulitzer-winning novelist SAUL BELLOW
49 “Science Guy” Bill NYE
50 Sunning areas POOLS
51 Teller’s comedy partner PENN
53 Norway’s most populous city OSLO
55 Not out SAFE
57 “Look what I did!” TA-DA!
60 Animal heard at the end of 17-Across SNAKE
62 Canoe material BIRCH BARK
65 Completely full SATED
66 Off in the distance AFAR
67 Patent’s genesis IDEA
68 Pages with viewpoints OP-EDS
69 Stretch out in a recliner REST
70 Animal heard at the end of 62-Across SEAL
1 Org. for Naomi Osaka WTA
2 Some Picassos OILS
3 Building toy with theme parks LEGO
4 What an open window allows in FRESH AIR
5 Campfire residue ASH
6 Declared with authority SAID SO
7 Highlands language ERSE
8 Walkman insert, once CASSETTE
9 Ready-fire link AIM
10 Cave GROTTO
11 Jam fruit :GOOSEBERRY
12 Brit. police rank INSP
13 Places for contacts EYES
18 Piglet’s little buddy ROO
22 “Before __ you go … ” I LET
25 “Today” rival, for short GMA
27 Audibly stunned AGASP
28 Sailing companion of the Niña PINTA
29 Sleeps till noon, say GETS UP LATE
31 Sam of “Jurassic Park” NEILL
32 “I left __ on the fridge” A NOTE
33 Pointy-eared Jedi master YODA
34 Competes (for) VIES
35 “First Blood” tough guy RAMBO
39 Mexican buffet offering SALSA BAR
41 Marijuana CANNABIS
44 Slithery sea creatures EELS
45 Fin. neighbor SWE
47 Took a peek LOOKED
48 Some Lincoln Center productions OPERAS
52 Highest degree NTH
53 __ buco: veal dish OSSO
54 Easy-peasy thing SNAP
56 Marcher’s flute FIFE
58 Florida’s Miami-__ County DADE
59 __ rug AREA
61 Mag workers EDS
63 Dated PC monitor CRT
64 __ Kan pet food KAL
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