Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday May 31st 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. “The Aviator” actor Alan ALDA
5. Subtle attention-getter PSST!
9. Charge the quarterback BLITZ
14. Enter GO IN
15. Indian princess RANI
16. Haunting EERIE
17. Boot out OUST
18. __ before: deadline words ON OR
19. Gone up RISEN
20. Photo caption for Condoleezza with a bowl of pintos? RICE AND BEANS
23. Take for granted ASSUME
24. Neptune’s domain SEA
25. White lie FIB
28. Fillable flatbreads PITAS
31. Ultimatum words OR ELSE
33. “__ as directed” USE
36. Photo caption for Chris with a sandwich bun? ROCK AND ROLL
38. Headlights-in-fog effect HALO
40. Put on television AIR
41. Film spool REEL
42. Photo caption for NFL Hall of Famer Sam with a pastry shell? HUFF AND PUFF
47. Farm pen STY
48. Joins UNITES
49. Uncomplaining type STOIC
51. Chewie’s shipmate HAN
52. Like many a morning coffee: Abbr. REG
54. Fake UNREAL
58. Photo caption for Kevin with his Easter basket? BACON AND EGGS
61. Jeweler’s unit CARAT
64. Fat used in baking LARD
65. Bellini’s “Casta diva,” e.g. ARIA
66. Love ADORE
67. Not busy FREE
68. Become softened by cuteness MELT
69. Study aids NOTES
70. Whole bunch SCAD
71. Canonized mlles. STES
1. Greek marketplace AGORA
2. Jazzman Armstrong LOUIS
3. Spinal column components DISCS
4. Poker dealer’s request ANTE UP
5. Characterized by PRONE TO
6. Material for some castles SAND
7. Supercilious sort SNOB
8. Runs out of gas TIRES
9. “The Natural” author Malamud BERNARD
10. Luau keepsakes LEIS
11. 1040-reviewing org. IRS
12. __ score TIE
13. Path to enlightenment ZEN
21. “The Kite Runner” boy AMIR
22. Really long time AEON
25. Arctic ice phenomena FLOES
26. Land in a river ISLET
27. Beer __ BELLY
29. Military sch. ACAD
30. Decides not to go to SKIPS
32. Goof up ERR
33. “Yep” UH-HUH
34. Steamy setting SAUNA
35. Pixielike ELFIN
37. Stuck in __ A RUT
39. Many a time, poetically OFT
43. Fizzes up AERATES
44. Fraction of a min. NSEC
45. Word seen on cornerstones FOUNDED
46. Come across FIND
50. Bath & Body Works products CREAMS
53. Plays a round GOLFS
55. Everglades wader EGRET
56. Physically well-coordinated AGILE
57. Exams for legal wannabes, for short LSATS
58. Like floors without rugs BARE
59. Pusher catcher NARC
60. Vicinity AREA
61. Item in a food drive donation CAN
62. Brouhaha ADO
63. Go bad ROT
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