Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday November 12th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Sports agent, briefly REP
4 Lavish meal FEAST
9 Behold, to Brutus ECCE
13 “Another Green World” musician Brian ENO
14 Foamy coffee drinks LATTES
16 Bar measure SHOT
17 *Big top CIRCUS TENT
19 “The Handmaid’s __”: Atwood novel TALE
20 This, in Spain ESTO
21 Acapulco aunt TIA
22 Final Olds produced ALERO
24 Injured-arm support SLING
26 *School keepsake CLASS RING
29 “Under Siege” star Steven SEAGAL
31 Prof.’s degree PHD
32 See 38-Down SIN
33 Restaurant Arlo Guthrie sang about ALICE’S
36 Early 2000s Apple product EMAC
37 *”The Daily Show” network COMEDY CENTRAL
41 Hard to find RARE
42 Cosa __ NOSTRA
43 Trident-shaped Greek letter PSI
44 Angry MAD
46 Pick up the pace HASTEN
50 *2012 Channing Tatum film MAGIC MIKE
54 Around, in dates CIRCA
55 Try to bite, puppy-style NIP AT
56 Triage ctrs. ERS
58 Broadway brightener NEON
59 Hawaiian coffee region KONA
60 Show starter … and a hint to the answers to starred clues OPENING ACT
63 Nobelist Pavlov IVAN
64 Cantankerous ORNERY
65 __ Bo: fitness system TAE
66 “The Lion King” lioness NALA
67 Davis of “Do the Right Thing” OSSIE
68 Cal. spans YRS
1 School day interlude RECESS
2 Maroon, at sea ENISLE
3 “The Merchant of Venice” heiress PORTIA
4 Winter bug FLU
5 Down __: Maine nickname EAST
6 Room at the top? ATTIC
7 Pilfer STEAL
8 Olympic diver’s goal TEN
9 Aromatic compound ESTER
10 Personal magnetism CHARISMA
11 Pre-Revolutionary furniture style COLONIAL
12 French summer ETE
15 Secret supply STASH
18 Scam CON GAME
23 “Dropped” ’60s drug LSD
25 Battering wind GALE
27 Cathedral areas APSES
28 Nutritional supplements co. GNC
30 Pot top LID
34 Pop singer Lauper CYNDI
35 Novelist Umberto ECO
36 Blackboard chore ERASING
37 Legendary lover CASANOVA
38 With 32-Across, Adam and Eve’s transgression ORIGINAL
39 To the __ degree NTH
40 Gillette’s __ II razor TRAC
41 Turntable speed, for short RPM
44 Longtime Tom Petty label MCA
45 Defensive retort AM TOO
47 The “T” in NATO… TREATY
48 Toyota Prius, e.g. ECOCAR
49 Loire Valley city NANTES
51 Bucky Beaver’s toothpaste IPANA
52 Wails with grief KEENS
53 Shore birds ERNES
57 Apple Watch assistant SIRI
59 Family reunion attendees KIN
61 Ace PRO
62 “Science Guy” Bill NYE
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