Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday November 20th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Worked off nervous energy, say PACED
6. Grounded fast jet SST
9. Like imitators APISH
14. Maine town on the Penobscot ORONO
15. Letter after sigma TAU
16. Food from heaven MANNA
17. Traditional Easter dinner ROAST LAMB
19. “… better __ worse”: wedding vow words OR FOR
20. Wedding rental TUX
21. “Not bad, not great” SO-SO
22. Cuts anew RESAWS
23. “In your dreams!” AS IF!
25. Steinway seat, perhaps PIANO BENCH
27. Biological mapping subjects GENOMES
29. By the seashore COASTAL
30. Garden tool EDGER
31. Scientist Wernher __ Braun VON
32. Undercover agent SPY
33. Ohio’s has wheat and arrows STATE SEAL
38. Transmission type: Abbr. STD
41. Line on many a receipt TAX
42. Hold (onto) LATCH
46. Take advance orders for PRESELL
49. Colder than cold SUBZERO
51. Boating safety feature LIFE JACKET
53. Former couples EXES
54. Curly-horned goats IBEXES
55. Mama’s mama NANA
57. Vietnam New Year TET
58. Renaissance fair garment TUNIC
59. Glancing blow on the road, and a hint to the puzzle’s circles SIDESWIPE
61. Still soft, as concrete UNSET
62. Sci-fi vehicle UFO
63. Golf targets HOLES
64. Jury members PEERS
65. Wooden pin PEG
66. Wide-mouthed pitchers EWERS
1. Canoe carrying PORTAGE
2. Turned on AROUSED
3. Cajolery COAXING
4. Running trio? ENS
5. Colon components DOTS
6. Equilibrium STASIS
7. Polynesian island nation SAMOA
8. “Rub-a-dub-dub” vessel TUB
9. Microscopic organism AMOEBA
10. Analyzes grammatically PARSES
11. Babies INFANTS
12. Mt. Hood hood? SNOWCAP
13. How scolding words may be spoken HARSHLY
18. Leisurely gait LOPE
22. ABC exec Arledge ROONE
24. Enemies FOES
26. Cpls. and sgts. NCOS
28. Muscular 2017 “Dancing With the Stars” competitor MR T
31. Distress VEX
34. Book of maps ATLAS
35. Gymnast’s powder TALC
36. Vatican vestment ALB
37. Lounge (around) LAZE
38. Call it quits SPLIT UP
39. Chicago newspaper TRIBUNE
40. The “D” of “NORAD” DEFENSE
43. Silk or cashmere TEXTILE
44. Climbing vine CREEPER
45. Snack cake maker with the Nasdaq symbol TWNK… HOSTESS
47. More appealing SEXIER
48. Spits out, as a DVD… EJECTS
49. Old salt SEA DOG
50. __ Reader: eclectic digest UTNE
52. Chef’s cutter KNIFE
56. Tennis great Arthur ASHE
59. “How’s it hangin’?” SUP?
60. __ factor: impressive quality WOW
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