Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday November 5th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Works on a quilt SEWS
5 Team that won the Women’s World Cup in 2019 USA
8 Winter skating sites PONDS
13 Yawn-inducing HO-HUM
15 Melancholy SAD
16 Love to pieces ADORE
17 Burr, to Hamilton ENEMY
18 Black-and-yellow pollinator BUMBLEBEE
20 Fodder for fantasy football STATS
22 Cause for a handshake DEAL
23 Waited to be found, maybe HID
24 Tense tennis moment MATCH POINT
26 Classroom staffer AIDE
27 Word after drinking or driving AGE
28 Maple extract SAP
29 Many an eBay user SELLER
31 Curtain holders RODS
33 Jack of “Dragnet” WEBB
36 Honeycomb units CELLS
37 Volatile situation TINDERBOX
40 Lion in “The Chronicles of Narnia” ASLAN
43 Marquee name STAR
44 24-hr. banking conveniences ATMS
48 Sits on the throne REIGNS
50 Picture file suffix GIF
52 Fish-to-be ROE
53 Batting practice area CAGE
54 Body part that provides limited motion HINGE JOINT
58 Fire pit residue ASH
59 “Soldier of Love” Grammy winner SADE
60 Much paperwork FORMS
61 Mobile download for single people, and what the starts of 18-, 24-, 37- and 54-Across have in common DATING APP
64 Takes a breather RESTS
66 Kagan on the bench ELENA
67 “Take that!” HAH
68 Chuckleheads DOPES
69 Guitarist’s aid STRAP
70 Moth-eaten OLD
71 “Pretty Little Liars” series novelist Shepard SARA
1 Pronoun for a mom SHE
2 Way, way back when EONS AGO
3 Sparked, as one’s appetite WHETTED
4 “Poison” shrub SUMAC
5 Flash drive port USB
6 Riyadh resident SAUDI
7 Jingle-writing guys ADMEN
8 Veil of gloom PALL
9 Poem from an admirer ODE
10 Ritzy San Francisco neighborhood NOB HILL
11 Hanukkah toy DREIDEL
12 Farm machines SEEDERS
14 Traditional stories MYTHS
19 Dugout rack items BATS
21 Produce offspring SPAWN
24 Spoil MAR
25 Opinion pages OP-EDS
26 Echo Dot assistant ALEXA
30 Prefix with friendly ECO-
32 Place for a play STAGE
34 Wager BET
35 North Carolina fort BRAGG
38 Place for a stay INN
39 Court filing BRIEF
40 Hangouts for video game players ARCADES
41 Chef’s condiment SEA SALT
42 Not as heavy LIGHTER
45 Dietary supplement once pitched by Anna Nicole Smith TRIMSPA
46 Centaur or chimera MONSTER
47 __ foot in: enter SET
49 Fluffy rug SHAG
51 Norwegian inlet FJORD
55 Twin Falls’ state IDAHO
56 Mount Everest is on its border with China NEPAL
57 Layered cookies OREOS
59 Piece of cake SNAP
62 Once __ while IN A
63 Deg. of distinction PHD
65 Retirees’ benefits org. SSA
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