Across Answers
1. Big bird of myth ROC
A roc, also spelled as rukh, is a giant bird of prey, large enough to carry off huge animals like cows, rhinos, and even elephants.
4. Spiny desert plants CACTI
9. Bathysphere’s domain OCEAN
The bathysphere was used in the early thirties to conduct sea dives off of the Bermuda Coast. It was designed by Otis Baron, and was used by William Beebe for the purpose of studying life under the sea.
14. Thurman of “Batman & Robin” UMA
Uma starred as “Poison Ivy” in the movie Batman and Robin. Her first husband, Gary Oldman, also appeared in two separate Batman movies as James Gordon, “Batman Begins”, and “The Dark Knight.”
15. Underway AFOOT
16. Like one in the sulks POUTY
17. Shows off one’s connections NAME-DROPS
Sometimes it’s entertaining.. But most of the time, it’s just plain annoying.
19. What the truth sometimes does HURTS
20. When repeated, soothing words THERE
“There, there.”
21. Top of the charts NUMBER ONE
The Beatles has had the most songs to reach the number one spot in the Billboard Charts, with twenty singles. Followed by a tie for Elvis Presley and Mariah Carey with eighteen.
23. Tanning site SALON
24. Strips off PEELS
25. “Buzz off!” SCAT!
28. Next-generation relatives NIECES
Aren’t they adorable?
32. Modernized pre-1949 auto STREET ROD
A street rod is a type of hot rod, which is a type of car modified with a large engine to up the speed. Street rods aren’t just known for their speeds though, they’re also known for their cool paint job designs. You should see one for yourself.
37. Hold dear ADORE
38. Stat for Mariano Rivera ERA
ERA stands for Earned Run Average. Mariano Rivera had an average ERA of 205 in his nineteen years of playing baseball.
39. No-no TABOO
A taboo is the feeling of inihibition as a result of emotional or religious aversion.
41. Tell a whopper LIE
42. Mag with relationship quizzes COSMO
The Cosmopolitan Magazine was first and foremost, a family magazine, that began publishing in 1886. It was reborn into a women’s magazine in the sixties and is very popular among the ladies for its sex-related articles and relationship quizzes.
45. Metropolitan distance unit CITY BLOCK
48. Way up or down STAIRS
50. Do in, as a dragon SLAY
51. Wild Australian dog DINGO
A dingo is said to be a subspecie of a grey wolf. It’s also found in parts of Southeast Asia.
54. Pub order DRAFT
58. Aptly named Nevada border community known for its casinos STATELINE
Stateline Nevada is located on Lake Tahoe’s east shore, in Douglas County. It has five casinos which are also resorts. The 2010 census shows a population of 842, although it increases during the summer and winter season due to rental accommodations.
62. Powerful explosive, familiarly NITRO
Nitroglycerin is a heavy liquid that is oily and colorless, and is an ingredient in making explosives. This chemical has been used to manufacture explosives since the 1860s.
63. Three-time Tony winner Uta HAGEN
Uta Hagen was an American actress of German decent who gave acting lessons to Hollywood legends like Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Liza Minnelli, among others.
64. Lunchbox sandwich protector ZIPLOC BAG
66. Eyeball-bending pictures OP ART
Op art is a kind of optical art that incorporates optical illusions into its designs, making it seem like it’s moving when it really isn’t.
67. Somewhat wet MOIST
68. Physician’s org. AMA
AMA stands for American Medical Association
69. Wavy dos PERMS
70. At exactly the right time ON CUE
71. Agreeable response YES
Down Answers
1. Litters’ littlest RUNTS
A runt is the member of the litter which is the weakest or the smallest in size.
2. Nebraska city on the Missouri OMAHA
Omaha is the largest city in Nebraska. It is where the largest indoor rain forest in the world can be found, the Lied Jungle.
3. Caravan beast CAMEL
4. Rhythmic flow CADENCE
5. Congo’s cont. AFR
Congo can be found in Africa (Afr)
6. Ring-tailed critter, to Crockett COON
These cute nocturnal creatures love water and are known to be smart and have very good memory. However, they are more remembered for being a big nuissance.
7. Refill to the brim TOP UP
8. “Who’s there?” response IT’S ME
9. Hamlet’s love OPHELIA
Hamlet is a very popular play written by William Shakespeare. Ophelia is Hamlet’s lady love in the story, but died unfortunately. Some say she committed suicide by drowning herself, however Gertrude (Prince Hamlet’s mother, and the Queen of Denmark) had a different account of how she died. She claimed to have seen Ophelia climb into a willow tree where one of the branches break, sending her straight into the lake.
10. Flowed swiftly COURSED
11. Cyprus currency EURO
Since the 1st of January 2008, the Cyprus Government adopted the Euro currency.
12. “To whom it actually does concern” letters ATTN
13. Wall St. institution NYSE
NYSE stands for New York Stock Exchange
18. Uneven, as a leaf’s edge EROSE
22. “Big” London attraction BEN
The Big Ben is not really the clock itself, but the great bell that is housed within the Elizabeth tower (renamed in 2012). It celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2009.
26. ABA dues payer ATT
ABA stands for American Bar Association
27. Gillette’s __ II razor TRAC
The Trac II is actually the very first razor with a twin blade, released in 1971.
29. Wyo. neighbor COLO
Colorado (Colo) became a state in 1876. President Ulysses S. Grant named it the 38th state. The state got its name from the Colorado River, which was a Spanish word for “ruddy” as the waters were always ruddy in color due to the silt annd sludge it carried from the mountains.
30. Idle of Monty Python ERIC
Eric Idle is a famous comedian, singer, writer, actor, and member of the Monty Python, a British comedy group. He is considered by Steve Martin to be his mentor.
31. Hide’s partner SEEK
32. “In a few __” SECS
33. Equine gait TROT
34. Tabula __: blank slate RASA
Tabula Rasa is Latin for Blank Slate. It is a theory which states that individuals are born into this world with no mental content, and that they eventually learn from perception and experience.
35. Japanese sash OBI
An obi is worn with a kimono for women as a part of the outfit, and with uniforms in the Japanese martial arts.
36. Two lowercase letters have them DOTS
The letters “i” and “j”
40. Olive __ OYL
Olive Oyl is a fictional character created in 1919 by Elzie Crisler Segar. She actually came ten years before Popeye was created. She first appeared in the comic strip Thimble Theatres, and then later changed to Popeye.
43. Heavily weighted exam MIDTERM
Didn’t you just hate taking it?
44. Points in the right direction ORIENTS
46. It’s unpleasant when things end on one BAD NOTE
47. Like some poetry LYRIC
49. NBC show that launched many comics’ careers SNL
Saturday Night Live paved the way to some of the industry’s most famous comedians. It’s been around since 1975 and it just keeps getting better and better. The last season earmarked some of its biggest stars leaving the show, however, this season began with a bang, and the show isn’t showing any signs of slowing down.
52. Doodad GIZMO
Gizmo is another word for gadget or technology. It was also the name of that cute creature in Gremlins. Lucky for him he didn’t get rained on…
53. French __ soup ONION
This yummy soup is usually served with cheese and croutons on top. Mmmm.. Are you hungry yet?
55. Held in check AT BAY
56. Picture holder FRAME
57. Frat party wear TOGAS
In ancient Roman times, only men were allowed to wear a toga. What women wore that that time that was equal to the men’s toga was the stola, which was made of linen. Wearing a toga at that time was considered to be disgraceful, as it was associated with either adultery or prostitution.
58. Look for bargains SHOP
59. Weak-ankle support TAPE
60. Ice cream thickener AGAR
The agar is a very popular ingredient in Asian desserts.
61. Spectacular EPIC
65. Baton Rouge sch. LSU
LSU stands for Louisiana State University. It is located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and was founded in 1853. To this day, it has some thirty thousand students.
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