Crossword by: Donna S. Levin and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Tuesday September 10 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! Giddy up! It’s time to go to the races! Today’s theme is to do with winning in the sport of kings, horse racing. The theme was given away by the answer to 55 Across, Hits the Trifecta and the clue. There are three themed answers and the first letters in each one starts with a result in a horse race, Win, Place and Show.
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Across Answers
1. Uniformed figure in the National Toy Hall of Fame GI JOE
6. Corp. fiscal execs CFOS
10. Kiss from 10-Down LICK
14. Epps and Sharif OMARS
15. Sow’s squeal OINK
16. 43,560 square feet ACRE
20. Indianapolis-to-Fort Wayne dir. NNE
21. Sleepover wear, briefly PJS
22. Shiny finish LUSTER
23. Lone Ranger’s pal TONTO
26. iPhone’s voice-activated personal assistant SIRI
27. Response to snake oil, perhaps PLACEBO EFFECT
31. Steering system component TIE ROD
32. Caresses PETS
33. GM labor gp. UAW
35. Redding of soul OTIS
36. FG’s three PTS
37. Hockey great Phil, familiarly ESPO
38. Tails and tongues do it WAG
39. Feng __: decorating philosophy SHUI
41. Redeem CASH IN
43. Privacy protector of a sort SHOWER CURTAIN
46. Close to NEAR
47. “Incorrect!” NOT SO
48. Ready to mate, animal-wise IN HEAT
51. Pouch SAC
52. Just minted NEW
55. Has a big track payday (and a hint to hidden words that begin 17-, 27- and 43-Across) HITS THE TRIFECTA
60. Dutch cheese EDAM
61. A driver who forgets something might make one U TURN
62. Info DOPE
63. Toupees RUGS
64. Evaluated RATED
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Down Answers
1. Graduation wear GOWN
2. Poker declaration I’M IN
3. “Psycho” Oscar nominee JANET LEIGH
4. Prospector’s quest ORE
5. “Never mind” PC key ESC
6. Grifter’s game CON JOB
7. Swimming aids FINS
8. Artist who lives across from Central Park’s Strawberry Fields ONO
9. Way up the slope SKI LIFT
10. Heroic TV dog LASSIE
11. Rapper-turned-actor ICE-T
12. “Mötley” group CRUE
13. Actress Deborah KERR
18. Went (for) OPTED
19. Pokes around on the Internet SURFS
24. Some regatta equipment OARS
25. Cpl., for one NCO
26. Takes in, as a movie SEES
27. Greek deli stockpile PITAS
28. Vision-related OPTIC
29. Pillow-shaped diamond style CUSHION CUT
30. Golfer’s gimme TAP IN
31. __ truck TOW
34. Took the cup WON
36. Sound from a contented kitty PURR
37. Those gals, in Guadalajara ESAS
39. “Don’t __ the small stuff!” SWEAT
40. Moor flora HEATHER
41. Early spring blooms CROCI
42. ABA member ATT
44. Layette suit ONESIE
45. Strips of weapons UNARMS
48. “If __ my way …” I HAD
49. Spanish lad NINO
50. URL opener HTTP
51. Deer dad STAG
53. French 101 infinitive ETRE
54. Mascara applicator WAND
56. University URL ending EDU
57. Pelt FUR
58. H-like Greek vowel ETA
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