Crossword by: Steve Blais and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Tuesday September 18 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! Given away by the answer to 37 Across today’s theme is ‘village’. If you add the word ‘village’ to the start of each of the themed answers you will get a common phrase. We get: village green, village voice, village people and village idiot.
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Across Answers
1. Terrible grade EFF
4. Don of radio IMUS
8. Got smart with SASSED
14. Not feel well AIL
15. “Brave New World” drug SOMA
16. Developed a liking for TOOK TO
17. “American Idiot” punk band GREEN DAY
19. James of “Gunsmoke” ARNESS
20. Most insignificant LEAST
21. Hopefully helpful track info HOT TIP
23. Once, formerly ERST
24. Performer who is heard but not seen VOICE ACTOR
28. Thames school ETON
30. QB’s successes TDS
31. “__ were you …” IF I
32. Meat-and-potatoes bowlful BEEF STEW
36. Mil. school ACAD
37. 1996 Hillary Clinton best-seller, and what might be said about the start of 17-, 24-, 48- or 59-Across IT TAKES A VILLAGE
41. “High Hopes” lyricist Sammy CAHN
42. One printing defamatory text, in England LIBELLER
43. Prefix with gram EPI
44. Bars to scan, briefly UPC
47. Boy of la casa NINO
48. Table scraps, to the dog PEOPLE FOOD
51. Zero-calorie protest FAST
55. War hero played by George C. Scott PATTON
56. Sitcom sergeant BILKO
57. Like citrus juices ACIDIC
59. Boob tube IDIOT BOX
62. TV’s “__ & Greg” DHARMA
63. Remove from power OUST
64. Sch. in the smallest state URI
65. Patronize, as a restaurant DINE AT
66. Source of some psychiatry grants: Abbr. NIMH
67. Whitney or Washington: Abbr. MTN
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Down Answers
1. Apollo 11 moon lander EAGLE
2. Pink-slip issuer FIRER
3. Bugs with bounce FLEAS
4. Fails to be ISN’T
5. Stylish, ’60s-style MOD
6. Hollywood’s Thurman UMA
7. Greet someone casually SAY HI
8. Uttered STATED
9. Major heart vessels AORTAS
10. Former Seattle NBAer SONIC
11. Doubtful SKEPTICAL
12. UFO pilots, in theory ETS
13. Hair styles DOS
18. Grammy winner Gloria ESTEFAN
22. Halloween mo. OCT
24. Cast a ballot VOTE
25. Dollar bills ONES
26. Old enough OF AGE
27. Bill attachment RIDER
29. Sound of disdain TSK
32. __ tendonitis: arm muscle ailment BICEP
33. Daylong military march ETAPE
34. Addis Ababa native ETHIOPIAN
35. Mart opening WAL
36. The whole thing ALL OF IT
38. Ristorante carafe contents VINO
39. Footnoter’s “ditto,” briefly IBID
40. Deighton of spy-fi LEN
44. Final syllable ULTIMA
45. Scratcher on a post PET CAT
46. Corp. money manager CFO
49. Father of la casa PADRE
50. Hamburger topper ONION
52. Wedding memento ALBUM
53. Hybrid tennis garment SKORT
54. Wasp venom, for one TOXIN
56. “The other one, too” BOTH
57. Throw in ADD
58. Cubs’ home: Abbr. CHI
60. MADD concern DUI
61. Doctrinal word ending ISM
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