Crossword by: Kurt Krauss and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Tuesday September 24 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! Today’s theme is a bit cheesy I must say… okay that is cheesy too:) According to 62 Across we are dealing with ‘cheeseheads’ today. Each of the themed answers begin with a type of cheese. We get: American, Blue, Cottage and Swiss cheese.
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Across Answers
1. Babbling waterway BROOK
6. Pillow covers SHAMS
11. Healthful facility SPA
14. Nocturnal primate with a ringed tail LEMUR
15. Squiggle in “piƱata” TILDE
16. Make a mistake ERR
17. *1972 hit with the line “The day the music died” AMERICAN PIE
19. Feel sick AIL
20. Sharp turn ZIG
21. Auction cry SOLD!
22. “I’m innocent!” NOT ME
24. Pennsylvanie, par exemple ETAT
26. *County fair prize BLUE RIBBON
29. Receding tide EBB
31. On edge TENSE
32. Sambuca flavoring ANISE
35. Place for a polar bear FLOE
37. Street shaders ELMS
40. *Home-based business COTTAGE INDUSTRY
43. __ II razor TRAC
44. Tells in a bad way RATS
45. Biblical beasts ASSES
46. Blue gem, for short LAPIS
48. “I __ you one” OWE
49. *Beef-braised-with-tomatoes dish SWISS STEAK
53. Jones with a locker DAVY
57. Cagney’s TV partner LACEY
58. Spring bloomer IRIS
60. Go head-to-head VIE
61. Prefix for the birds AVI-
62. Green Bay Packer fans … and a hint to the answers to starred clues CHEESEHEADS
66. Pince-__ glasses NEZ
67. Prefix meaning “sun” HELIO-
68. Krupp Works city ESSEN
69. Afternoon ora TRE
70. Bagel flavoring ONION
71. “Star Wars” surname? DETOO
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Down Answers
1. Burn brightly BLAZE
2. Send a money order, say REMIT
3. Alpha’s opposite OMEGA
4. “__ Man in Havana”: Graham Greene novel OUR
5. Barbra’s “A Star Is Born” co-star KRIS
6. Delay on purpose STALL
7. Many an Indian, religiously HINDU
8. The Eiger, e.g. ALP
9. Start of the 16th century MDI
10. Greeted and seated SEEN IN
11. Vehicle safety devices SEAT BELTS
12. First-class PRIMO
13. Former senator Specter ARLEN
18. __ salad COBB
23. Excessively preoccupied OBSESSED
25. Precedent setter TEST CASE
27. Boarding school jackets ETONS
28. Bassoon vibrator REED
30. “But I don’t wanna __ pirate!”: “Seinfeld” BE A
32. Do some film work ACT
33. Partner of neither NOR
34. Highlight in print, in a way ITALICIZE
35. Banquet FEAST
36. Put a match to LIT
38. G.I. grub MRE
39. Part of TBS: Abbr. SYS
41. Pinot __ GRIS
42. Detroit labor org. UAW
47. Film with a classic shower scene PSYCHO
48. Sooner State migrant OKIE
49. Bias SLANT
50. Have second thoughts WAVER
51. Five-letter song refrain EIEIO
52. Felonious fire ARSON
54. Salt’s “Halt!” AVAST!
55. Audio counterpart VIDEO
56. Like “Will you marry me?” questionwise YES/NO
59. Storage building SHED
63. Clucker HEN
64. Yale alum ELI
65. Suffix with Brooklyn -ESE
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