Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Tuesday September 5th 2017, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Hungarian sheepdog PULI
5. Glasgow native SCOT
9. 1983 taxi comedy starring Mr. T… DC CAB
14. Mideast chieftain EMIR
15. Boob __: TV… TUBE
16. Last Olds model ALERO
17. *Fishing gear holder TACKLE BOX
19. Old Ford subcompact named for a horse PINTO
20. “__ missing something?” AM I
21. Out on a cruise AT SEA
22. Pickled-pepper picker PETER
23. Like Disneyland at night LIT UP
25. Public tantrum SCENE
27. Snappy dresser FOP
29. ’60s sci-fi series created by Gene Roddenberry STAR TREK
32. Vamoose, to Shakespeare BEGONE
35. Long, slippery fish EEL
36. Suffix with Israel or Jacob -ITE
37. Sch. in Columbus OSU
38. *Final part of a chess match END GAME
41. Chili __ carne CON
42. RR depot STA
43. Common soccer result TIE
44. Scope EXTENT
46. Plush teddy with a heart for a nose CARE BEAR
49. Red Seal record label company RCA
50. Dryly humorous DROLL
51. That is, in Latin ID EST
55. Like some waves TIDAL
57. Senate positions SEATS
61. “Avatar” actress Saldana ZOE
62. Word with safe or out HOUSE
63. In jeopardy … and where the first words of the answers to starred clues can be found ON THE LINE
65. Speak UTTER
66. Farmland measure ACRE
67. Not yet eliminated from the contest IN IT
68. Authority SAY-SO
69. Course of action PLAN
70. Jacob’s first wife LEAH
1. Petunia part PETAL
2. Taste that’s not sweet, sour, bitter or salty UMAMI
3. Allowed by law :LICIT
4. Irritate IRK
5. Copy editor’s “Leave it in” STET
6. Wrigley Field team CUBS
7. Double-reed woodwind OBOE
8. Petroleum nickname TEXAS TEA
9. Smartly dressed DAPPER
10. Customer CLIENT
11. *Site of many face-offs CENTER ICE
12. Paintings in the Prado, por ejemplo ARTE
13. Ungentlemanly sort BOOR
18. First track circuit in a race LAP ONE
24. Sci-fi radar blip UFO
26. More sedate CALMER
28. Marker marketer PENTEL
29. “Night Moves” singer Bob SEGER
30. Historic British prep school ETON
31. Superman, as a reporter KENT
32. Greenish-yellow pear BOSC
33. “¿Cómo __ usted?” ESTA
34. *Sentry’s job GUARD DUTY
39. Shower bar brand DIAL SOAP
40. Type of tax EXCISE
45. Tiny bit TAD
47. Wipes out ERASES
48. Ravel classic used in the film “10” BOLERO
52. Online periodical E-ZINE
53. Justice Sotomayor SONIA
54. Molars and incisors TEETH
55. Like so THUS
56. Tiny bit IOTA
58. SASE, say ENCL
59. Razor brand ATRA
60. Back in the day THEN
64. “__ Abner” LI’L
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