Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday April 10th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Punk rock subgenre EMO
4 Catches red-handed NABS
8 Medieval stringed instruments REBECS
14 GoPro product, briefly CAM
15 Many a homecoming attendee ALUM
16 Covent Garden offerings OPERAS
17 All-Star pitcher ACE
18 Controversial excavation method STRIP MINING
20 Beach house? SAND CASTLE
22 Little biter GNAT
23 Bible book between Daniel and Joel HOSEA
24 Biblical pronoun THY
25 Nursery cry MAMA!
26 Form 1040 agcy. IRS
28 Permanent sites? SALONS
30 Sounds of contentment AAHS
33 __ Fables AESOP’S
37 Criticize harshly RIP
38 Beachfront property, often PRIME REAL ESTATE
41 Org. for netmen ATP
42 “Barney Miller” star Hal LINDEN
43 Linear ONE-D
44 Biathlon weapons RIFLES
46 __ Bund: Swiss newspaper DER
48 Skelton’s Kadiddlehopper CLEM
49 Merit badge org. BSA
52 Tut-tutted TSKED
56 Scottish family CLAN
57 Breed of Tonto’s Scout PAINT HORSE
59 Handyman’s work suggested by the starts of 18-, 20-, 38- and 57-Across RESTORATION
61 Shortest surname in Cooperstown OTT
62 Kin of jujitsu AIKIDO
63 Yours, to Yves A TOI
64 Once known as NEE
65 Planted a red herring, say MISLED
66 Poolroom powder TALC
67 Drop the ball ERR
1 Cybermoney E-CASH
2 Chinese gambling mecca MACAO
3 Forebodings OMENS
4 Sprint Cup org. NASCAR
5 Utah ski resort ALTA
6 Break open BURST
7 Word for word? SMITH
8 Tiber River capital ROME
9 Center starter EPI-
10 Cincinnati player BENGAL
11 “Happy Days” actress ERIN MORAN
12 Inhabitant of ancient Palestine CANAANITE
13 NCO rank SSGT
19 Work at, as a trade PLY
21 Reason-based faith DEISM
25 Easter liturgy MASS
27 One-piece dresses SARIS
28 Go through SPEND
29 Floored it SPED
30 On __ with A PAR
31 Constitution section that creates the executive branch ARTICLE II
32 On-the-sly alcohol containers HIP FLASKS
34 Poetic time E’EN
35 Downcast SAD
36 Bullfight cheer OLE!
39 K thru 6 ELEM
40 Upper body TORSO
45 Soup legume LENTIL
47 Cultural, as cuisine ETHNIC
49 Sheep’s cry BAA!
50 Occupy, as a desk SIT AT
51 Santa __ racetrack ANITA
53 Scandinavian coin KRONE
54 Fragrant compound ESTER
55 Discourage DETER
56 Pull an all-nighter CRAM
57 Urge PROD
58 Item in a kit TOOL
60 “__ to My Right Knee”: Rita Dove poem ODE
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