Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday April 24th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Keepsake containers CHESTS
7 Biological pouch SAC
10 “I’m up for it!” LET’S!
14 Change in a big way REWORK
15 Santa __ winds ANA
16 Singer Adams EDIE
17 World’s largest peninsula ARABIA
18 Antagonist in many le Carré novels KGB AGENT
20 Nemesis BANE
21 Teeny-tiny fraction TRILLIONTH
23 “Better Call Saul” actress Seehorn RHEA
25 Wrigglers sought by snigglers EELS
26 Demean ABASE
29 Floating ice hazard BERG
31 Hearing things? EARS
35 Leader of a flock: Abbr. REV
36 Remote precursor DIAL
38 Hooch ROTGUT
40 Sport-__ UTE
41 Oatmeal-crusted treat DATE BAR
43 12 meses ANO
44 Uproarious confusion BEDLAM
46 Places to shoot hoops GYMS
47 Big kahuna VIP
48 Jai __ ALAI
49 Places, as a bet LAYS
51 Signs of the future OMENS
53 Those opposing us THEM
55 Counting-out word EENY
57 Seven-sided HEPTAGONAL
61 Saintly glow HALO
65 “Madame Bovary” subject ADULTERY
66 Competitive edge, as illustrated in the answers to starred clues from left to right A LEG UP
68 Steady look GAZE
69 Bridal bio word NEE
70 Excitedly unwrapped TORE AT
71 Layer over some cities SMOG
72 Mar.-to-Nov. hrs. DST
73 Genesis follower EXODUS
1 __ bisque CRAB
2 Mount Olympus queen HERA
3 McGregor of “Christopher Robin” EWAN
4 Sleeps it off, with “up” SOBERS
5 Prefix with atomic TRI-
6 Circle the rink SKATE
7 H.H. Munro’s pseudonym SAKI
8 One opening a can of worms? ANGLER
9 *Telegraphed message CABLEGRAM
10 *346-piece Big Ben, e.g. LEGO SET
11 Paradise EDEN
12 Salon treatment TINT
13 Meyers of “Late Night” SETH
19 Have a bug AIL
22 Moroccan capital RABAT
24 Gossip columnist Hopper HEDDA
26 Dutch-speaking Caribbean island ARUBA
27 Asian palm nut BETEL
28 “Plant-powered” hair care brand AVEDA
30 *Gray wrote one in a country churchyard ELEGY
32 Tequila source AGAVE
33 Scrap RUN-IN
34 Puts an end to STOPS
37 *Post-apocalyptic Will Smith film I AM LEGEND
39 Welles who played Kane ORSON
42 What “two” meant to Paul Revere BY SEA
45 *What makes Guy a guy? LITTLE G
50 Ovid collection AMORES
52 “You saved me!” MY HERO!
54 Tipped top HAT
56 Make very happy ELATE
57 Fairy tale crones HAGS
58 Paraffin-coated cheese EDAM
59 “The Godfather” novelist PUZO
60 Nureyev’s no NYET
62 On in years AGED
63 Tropical party LUAU
64 Chooses OPTS
67 Bagel topper LOX
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