Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday August 10th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Divers’ destinations REEFS
6 Japanese cartoon art ANIME
11 ”Shoot!” ASK!
14 Send to cloud nine ELATE
15 Sir Arthur __ Doyle CONAN
16 Traffic court letters DWI
17 Spread some gossip DISH THE DIRT
19 Chow fixer? VET
20 Emphatic affirmation OH YES I DO!
21 Paperless tax return option E-FILE
23 Original “Veronica Mars” airer UPN
24 Hybrid toaster oven snacks PIZZA ROLLS
27 Surrealism pioneer Max ERNST
29 That being the case IF SO
30 ”… Mr. Tambourine Man, __ song for me” PLAY A
32 __ standstill AT A
33 Birch or beech TREE
37 Buns and flips DOS
38 He has a nest at 123 1/2 Sesame Street BIG BIRD
42 Actress Gardner AVA
43 Racing legend A.J. FOYT
45 ”Later!” BYE!
46 Absolute UTTER
48 Sharif of “Doctor Zhivago” OMAR
50 Prophets SEERS
52 Stayed on HUNG AROUND
56 Dutch banking giant ING
58 Homeric epic ILIAD
59 Philips electric toothbrush brand SONICARE
62 ”Teen Wolf” network MTV
63 Young player on the rebound … or, in another way, what each set of circles in this puzzle represents COMEBACK KID
66 Iron source ORE
67 Go off-script AD LIB
68 Mix BLEND
69 Baby goat sound MAA
70 Like mosquitoes PESTY
71 In disarray MESSY
1 Second try REDO
2 Philanthropist Yale ELIHU
3 ”No sweat” EASY PEASY
4 1862 Tenn. battle site FT HENRY
5 Match makers? SETS
6 Nailed the test ACED IT
7 Brand for serious last-minute preparation NODOZ
8 Italian food ending -INI
9 Tarnish MAR
10 Comes in ENTERS
11 Pain reliever sold in Liqui-Gels ADVIL
12 ”Peachy” SWELL
13 Windy weather fliers KITES
18 Arms-akimbo joints HIPS
22 Arch site FOOT
25 Oft-baked pasta ZITI
26 Miles away AFAR
28 Arrest NAB
30 Adobe file format PDF
31 Head of a pub? LOO
32 Prez on a fiver ABE
34 Rodent-eating reptiles RATSNAKES
35 Day before a big day EVE
36 Shucker’s unit EAR
39 Letter-shaped beam I-BAR
40 Pita sandwich GYRO
41 Deserving DUE
44 Frat party wear TOGA
47 Barely flow TRICKLE
49 Wild MADCAP
50 Hoity-toity SNOBBY
51 Flamboyant Dame EDNA
52 Handmade bleachers sign HI MOM!
53 Hyper ULTRA
54 Skin “Creme” in blue tins NIVEA
55 Workout buff’s motto opener USE IT …
57 Impish looks GRINS
60 SALT weapon ICBM
61 Whirlpool EDDY
64 Metered praise ODE
65 Portland Timbers’ org. MLS
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