Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday August 14th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Break down noisily SOB
4 Living things BEINGS
10 Mug FACE
14 Lab eggs OVA
15 “Bewitched” witch ENDORA
16 Vigorous spirit ELAN
17 2018 giant shark film, with “The” MEG
18 *1930 Faulkner novel AS I LAY DYING
20 Enlightened Buddhist ARHAT
22 “… __ many ways” IN SO
23 Letter between zeta and theta ETA
24 *1986 Chris de Burgh hit, with “The” LADY IN RED
27 Patio furniture maker CANER
29 Defiant comeback I CAN TOO!
30 Thrown out of the game EJECTED
32 Time zone word: Abbr. STD
33 Money left on a diner table TIP
35 Score often requiring overtime ONE-ONE
36 *Wits, when scared out of you DAYLIGHTS
39 Feral SAVAGE
42 Unfavorable review PAN
43 __-Cat: winter vehicle SNO
46 Group of nine until 2006 PLANETS
48 Grated together, as teeth GNASHED
51 DeGeneres who voices Dory ELLEN
52 *Hit below the belt PLAY DIRTY
54 Bird in 2019 Liberty Mutual commercials EMU
55 Apple discard CORE
57 Small amounts DRIBS
58 Popular newspaper puzzle, and a hint to what’s hidden in the answers to starred clues DAILY JUMBLE
62 Cal. pages MOS
63 Humerus neighbor ULNA
64 Eye-related OCULAR
65 “Tamerlane” poet POE
66 Cribbage pieces PEGS
67 Hospital fluids SERUMS
68 Shade of blue SKY
1 Mogadishu natives SOMALIS
3 Capital on the Tigris BAGHDAD
4 “Scram!” BEAT IT!
5 Middle of dinner? ENS
6 Ugandan dictator Amin IDI
7 “Honest!” NO LIE
8 “Thank U, Next” singer Ariana GRANDE
9 Puts into words SAYS
10 2010 Mark Twain Prize winner Tina FEY
11 Incompatible with ALIEN TO
12 Hiker’s flask CANTEEN
13 Fighting words? EN GARDE!
19 Museum tour guide DOCENT
21 “Atlas Shrugged” writer Rand AYN
25 “Just a bit longer” NOT YET
26 Agitate ROIL
28 Highly paid pitchers, typically ACES
31 Host between Jack and Jay JOHNNY
34 Domino dot PIP
36 Swede’s neighbor DANE
37 Means AGENCY
38 Crazy (over) GAGA
39 Step on the gas SPEED UP
40 Like many barbershop quartets ALL MALE
41 Appraising VALUING
43 Goes for crustaceans SHRIMPS
44 Small laptop NETBOOK
45 Wandering journey ODYSSEY
47 Christmas tree choice SPRUCE
49 Puff __: venomous African snakes ADDERS
50 Elton John’s title SIR
53 Madagascar primate LEMUR
56 Spanish eyes OJOS
59 Vegas opening LAS
60 __-ray Disc BLU
61 Fugitive’s flight LAM
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