Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday August 16th 2017, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Feathered Nile wader IBIS
5. Tropical hardwoods TEAKS
10. Title of respect MA’AM
14. Have a flat? RENT
15. Barbera’s partner in cartoons HANNA
16. Sea eagle ERNE
17. Designer Schiaparelli ELSA
18. Moving ASTIR
19. Journalist Jacob RIIS
20. Sustained nuclear chain reaction requirement CRITICAL MASS
23. Room where you may have to stoop ATTIC
26. One working with dough KNEADER
27. Really botch things MAKE A MESS
31. Port and claret WINES
32. __-Magnon CRO
33. The Cowboys of the NCAA’s Big 12… OSU
34. __ one’s time: waited BIDED
35. Haphazard HIT OR MISS
38. Tires (out) POOPS
40. Give in to the munchies EAT
41. __ green PEA
44. Emmy nominee Fischer of “The Office” JENNA
45. Edible seaweed IRISH MOSS
48. 1992 Disney film featuring a magic lamp ALADDIN
50. Wild West brothers EARPS
51. A breeze to use, in adspeak NO FUSS, NO MUSS
55. Moscow news acronym ITAR
56. Retired racehorses, often SIRES
57. Thames museum TATE
61. 35-Down house CASA
62. “I give!” UNCLE!
63. Ticklish Muppet ELMO
64. Inexact figs. ESTS
65. “My heavens!” EGADS!
66. Prince’s “Purple __” RAIN
1. Intense anger IRE
2. __ Paese: Italian cheese BEL
3. GEICO product: Abbr. INS
4. One of Barbie’s siblings STACIE
5. Pad __ THAI
6. Right direction? EAST
7. Opposed ANTI
8. Madison Square Garden hoopsters KNICKS
9. Clear wrap SARAN
10. Mythological swimmers MERMAIDS
11. Daughter of King Minos ARIADNE
12. Liqueur flavoring ANISEED
13. Mr. and Mr. MESSRS
21. HDTV maker RCA
22. Explorer with Clark LEWIS
23. “Preacher” network AMC
24. Black goo TAR
25. Ref’s ruling TKO
28. Zingers MOTS
29. That, in Tegucigalpa ESO
30. More definite SURER
34. Information units BITS
35. Tegucigalpa’s country HONDURAS
36. Tablets that can’t be swallowed IPADS
37. __ tai MAI
38. Jai alai balls PELOTAS
39. Observing Ramadan, say ON A FAST
41. __ favor POR
42. Sixth sense letters ESP
43. Stubborn beast ASS
44. Muppet who plays lead guitar in The Electric Mayhem JANICE
45. Baseball division INNING
46. Blokes HES
47. Become an expert in MASTER
49. Point of contention ISSUE
52. Killer whale ORCA
53. Blend MELD
54. Doesn’t allow to rust USES
58. Mobile’s st. ALA
59. “Enough gory details, thanks” TMI
60. Ages and ages EON
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