Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday August 28th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 Renovator’s protective cover TARP
5 Not so exciting HO-HUM
10 Soak up the sun BASK
14 “Dies __”: Latin hymn IRAE
15 Yoga pose ASANA
16 Hatchet man __ Brasi of “The Godfather” LUCA
17 *Speak carefully to avoid offense MINCE WORDS
19 Spoken ORAL
20 2019 award for author Walter Mosley EDGAR
21 *Yahtzee, for one DICE GAME
23 Cry of success that can also be a sarcastic admission of failure NAILED IT!
26 Ad-__: improvise LIB
29 “__ won’t do” THIS
30 Pinch pennies SCRIMP
35 Post-op sites ICUS
37 Not fooled by ONTO
39 Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum city HANOI
40 *Homemade song assortment MIXTAPE
42 *Vocally imitate a drum machine BEATBOX
44 Spoken ALOUD
45 Poetry event SLAM
47 Hatcher or Polo TERI
48 Status __ SYMBOL
50 Forget to mention OMIT
52 Report card bummer DEE
53 Norse mythology upheaval used as the subtitle of a 2017 “Thor” film RAGNAROK
56 *Lunch from home BROWN BAG
60 Repairs MENDS
64 Marshmallow blackener FIRE
65 Kitchen guide … and where to find the starts of the answers to starred clues RECIPE BOOK
68 Discomfit FAZE
69 Save a ton on the wedding reception? ELOPE
70 Not pro ANTI
71 Sty feed SLOP
72 Often __: half the time AS NOT
73 Check signer BOSS
1 Life partner TIME
2 Dry as a desert ARID
3 Tolled, as a bell RANG
4 Pie nut PECAN
5 Word after hee or yee -HAW
6 Spanish bear OSO
7 Most challenging HARDEST
8 Reversed UNDID
9 Dinosaur Jr. frontman J __ MASCIS
10 Online journal BLOG
11 General vibe AURA
12 Take in SCAM
13 Leafy vegetable KALE
18 Middle of Q.E.D. ERAT
22 __ Sketch ETCH A
24 Blue-roofed eatery IHOP
25 Fishing gear LINES
26 Succotash beans LIMAS
27 Without warmth ICILY
28 Full-bosomed BUXOM
31 “Out of the Cellar” metal band RATT
32 Under the covers IN BED
33 Boxing legend Archie MOORE
34 Impish fairy PIXIE
36 Incomplete Wikipedia entry STUB
38 “Becoming” memoirist Michelle OBAMA
41 Add beauty to ADORN
43 Mideast noble EMIR
46 Scam that takes a while to pay off LONG CON
49 __ Tar Pits LA BREA
51 Thick book TOME
54 Irish speakers GAELS
55 Meaty fare from a falafel stand KEBAB
56 Closest pals, initially BFFS
57 Tehran money RIAL
58 Rice-shaped pasta ORZO
59 Shed tears WEEP
61 Pitching gem, in baseball slang NO-NO
62 “i” pieces DOTS
63 Hits the slopes SKIS
66 Wall St. debut IPO
67 Darling PET
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