Crossword by: Jim Horne & Jeff Chen
Today’s puzzle is packed full of the letter ‘h’ and if you can’t see your eye over the grid layout you will actually see a giant H smack bang in the middle. So did you get today’s one finished without too much Help?
Here is the complete list of answers for the Wednesday February 12th LA Times Times crossword puzzle:
Across Answers
1. Scale on which diamond is assigned a “10” MOHS
5. Owl’s question? WHO?
8. “Music __ charms …” HATH
12. The sego lily is its state flower UTAH
13. Map out CHART
15. Nymph rejected by Narcissus ECHO
16. Actress Elisabeth SHUE
17. Deck opening HATCH
18. Work on jerky CHEW
19. WWII aircraft carrier plane HELLCAT
21. Iowa native HAWKEYE
23. Tax-sheltered nest egg ROTH IRA
25. Hippy dance HULA
28. 1963 Newman film HUD
29. Ousted Iranian SHAH
33. Arctic “snowshoe” critters HARES
34. Quizzical sounds EHS
35. Bears owner/coach who won eight NFL titles in four different decades HALAS
37. Singer Piaf EDITH
38. Soup base BROTH
39. Luxury craft YACHT
40. Quiet “Quiet!” SHH!
43. “Ulysses” actor Milo O’SHEA
44. Quaint pronoun THEE
45. “Isn’t __ bit like you and me?”: Beatles lyric HE A
46. Solvers’ cries AHAS
47. Tremulous glow SHIMMER
50. Except SHORT OF
54. Beeline MAD DASH
59. “Hava Nagila” dance HORA
60. Different OTHER
62. Worker welfare org. OSHA
63. Progress slowly INCH
64. Organ with chambers HEART
65. Son of Odin THOR
66. Sinister chuckles HEHS
67. “Revenge is __ best served cold” A DISH
68. Seven: Pref. HEPT-
Down Answers
1. Soft stuff MUSH
2. Will-wisp link -O’-THE-
3. Truck HAUL
4. Poet Silverstein SHEL
5. Words said with a double take WHAT THE?!
6. Fez, e.g. HAT
7. Corsage flowers ORCHIDS
8. “Consarn it!” HECK!
9. Motrin target ACHE
10. Those folks THEY
11. Suffragette Julia Ward __ HOWE
13. Former Labor secretary Elaine CHAO
14. Where she blows THAR
20. Vehicle safety measure CRASH TEST
22. Jug band percussion instrument WASHBOARD
24. “Say what?” HUH?
25. Tackled HAD AT
26. “Vega$” actor URICH
27. Mythical river of forgetfulness LETHE
30. Grating HARSH
31. “Hello, wahine!” ALOHA!
32. Can’t stand HATES
33. “You, there!” HEY!
36. Doo-wop syllable SHA
40. Went from first to second, say SHIFTED
41. Jeans bottom HEM
42. Pounds HAMMERS
48. Ado HOO-HA
49. Mars neighbor EARTH
50. __ Tzu SHIH
51. Fine-tune HONE
52. B’way seating area ORCH
53. Sounds from the stands RAHS
55. Shakespearean verb DOTH
56. 1975 Wimbledon winner ASHE
57. Hit the mall SHOP
58. Antlered deer HART
61. Ginza agreement HAI
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