Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday February 24th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Lobsters’ sense organs PALPI
6. Celebs VIPS
10. Flight from the law LAM
13. Poker declaration I’M OUT
14. “__ my guard down” I LET
15. Famille patriarch PERE
16. Form by combining elements SYNTHESIZE
18. One-piece garments, slangily UNIS
19. Rome-based carrier ALITALIA
20. Toll road timesaver E-ZPASS
22. “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” singer CYNDI LAUPER
24. Performer’s supporters FANBASE
28. Guacamole, e.g. DIP
29. Twisty letter ESS
30. Diva delivery ARIA
31. Snoozed SLEPT
33. Fictional voyager SINBAD THE SAILOR
40. Retired New York senator Al D’__ AMATO
41. Rational SANE
42. DDE rival AES
45. Esteemed league member IVY
46. N, in Morse code DASH DOT
52. Currencies MONEYS
53. Irrationality UNREASON
58. Bravo preceder ALFA
59. Host of the 2015 MLB All-Star Game CINCINNATI
61. Not masc. or fem. NEUT
62. Prod URGE
63. Gold brick INGOT
64. Fashion monogram YSL
65. Jury member PEER
66. Fluff, as hair TEASE
1. Italian capital of its own province PISA
2. Kind of nitrite AMYL
3. Actress Anderson LONI
4. Golf stroke that can be practiced in a hallway PUTT
5. Cornell University city ITHACA
6. Brand that “gets the red out” VISINE
7. Epic with a very big horse ILIAD
8. Refillable candy PEZ
9. Metal playing marbles STEELIES
10. Delaware Valley tribe LENAPE
11. Comes into view ARISES
12. Salutation abbreviation MESSRS
15. Bite-size Chinese appetizer PUPU
17. Tarzan portrayer Ron et al. ELYS
21. Mothers of Invention musician ZAPPA
23. Empty, as threats IDLE
24. Fourth notes FAS
25. “Entourage” agent Gold ARI
26. Diarist Anaïs NIN
27. Rum-soaked cake BABA
31. “The Affair” airer, briefly SHO
32. Morticia, to Gomez TISH
34. Peaceful relations AMITY
35. Annual tennis team event DAVIS CUP
36. Texting farewell TTYL
37. Chap LAD
38. Lennon partner ONO
39. On Soc. Sec. RET
42. The same number AS MANY
43. Places where élèves study ECOLES
44. Wicked … and, homophonically, like five long puzzle answers SINFUL
46. One of the reindeer DANCER
47. “The Bell of __”: Longfellow ATRI
48. “Don’t need to watch that movie again” SEEN IT
50. Spiffy NEAT
51. Fencing attack LUNGE
54. Celebrity chef Burrell ANNE
55. Lengthy story SAGA
56. Nebraska natives OTOS
57. Evening, in ads NITE
60. Anger IRE
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