Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday January 27th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Musical with the song “Another Suitcase in Another Hall” EVITA
6. Petty distinctions, metaphorically HAIRS
11. Midriff punch reaction OOF!
14. Noble gas XENON
15. Former Illinois senator OBAMA
16. “Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!” network NPR
17. Tidy sum, to a coin collector? PRETTY PENNY
19. Golf prop TEE
20. “Most Excellent” U.K. award OBE
21. Emcee HOST
22. Gooey treat S’MORE
24. Muralist Rivera DIEGO
26. Places for rejuvenation DAY SPAS
28. Tidy sum, to a chairmaker? AN ARM AND A LEG
31. Clobbers BONKS
32. Regrets RUES
33. Rain-__: gum brand BLO
36. Financial pros CPAS
37. Tries STABS
39. Many millennia AEON
40. Fall mo. SEP
41. Only person to win both an Academy Award and a Nobel Prize SHAW
42. Clock button ALARM
43. Tidy sum, to a soothsayer? SMALL FORTUNE
46. Alleviate ASSUAGE
49. Baggage carousel aid ID TAG
50. Color in une cave à vin BLANC
51. Angers IRES
52. Kin of org EDU
55. Japanese capital YEN
56. Tidy sum, to a chess player? KING’S RANSOM
60. Ready, or ready follower SET
61. Theme park with a geodesic sphere EPCOT
62. Slacken LET UP
63. Calypso cousin SKA
64. They may be Dutch DOORS
65. Potters’ pitchers EWERS
1. Big show EXPO
2. Beg, borrow or steal VERB
3. “My bed is calling me” I NEED A NAP
4. Kid TOT
5. Country music? ANTHEMS
6. Climbs aboard HOPS ON
7. Distract the security guards for, say ABET
8. Actor Somerhalder of “The Vampire Diaries” IAN
9. LBJ successor RMN
10. Agrees SAYS YES
11. Winning ON TOP
12. Art form with buffa and seria styles OPERA
13. Emancipates FREES
18. Meditative practice YOGA
23. Flavor intensifier MSG
25. Bugs a lot IRKS
26. Smear DAUB
27. Some Full Sail brews ALES
28. Basics ABCS
29. “Forget it” NOPE
30. Country inflection DRAWL
33. Noble act, in Nantes BEAU GESTE
34. Forsaken LORN
35. “My treat” ON ME
37. Thick carpet SHAG
38. Grimm story TALE
39. Ski resort near Salt Lake City ALTA
41. Kissed noisily SMACKED
42. Gallery event ART SALE
43. Day light SUN
44. They haven’t been done before FIRSTS
45. Frankfurt’s river ODER
46. Hardly a miniature gulf ABYSS
47. Smooth and stylish SLEEK
48. Blitzen’s boss SANTA
51. “Young Frankenstein” role IGOR
53. Ill-humored DOUR
54. World Series field sextet UMPS
57. Wall St. debut IPO
58. Sgt. or cpl. NCO
59. Fresh NEW
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