Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday July 25th 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Like Joe Cocker’s voice RASPY
6. Light-rail stop: Abbr. STA
9. Assists in arson, say ABETS
14. Waldorf salad ingredient APPLE
15. Waldorf salad ingredient NUT
16. Inhumane CRUEL
17. Terrain feature of permafrost regions GROUND ICE
19. Harry who led Wrigley crowds in “Take Me Out to the Ball Game” CARAY
20. Mint containers TINS
21. Patriots’ gp. AFC
22. “Trading Spaces” topic DECOR
23. Units measured in BTUs… ACS
24. Staples competitor OFFICE DEPOT
27. Skilled in GOOD AT
29. It usually has four strings UKE
30. Madrid mama bear OSA
31. Jogging pace TROT
32. Really ticked off SORE
34. Builder’s guideline SPEC
35. Took the risk CHANCED IT
38. Some turkeys TOMS
41. Saturated __ FATS
42. Apply crudely DAUB
45. DuVernay who created TV’s “Queen Sugar” AVA
46. “Time for my walk!” ARF!
47. Pinch, as a pooch DOGNAP
49. “Star Wars” ruling body JEDI COUNCIL
53. Lynx coat FUR
54. Flat fees RENTS
55. Barrel wood OAK
56. Asian desert GOBI
57. Colleague of Gorsuch ALITO
58. Casino plays … and events that occur as you work your way down through the four sets of circles DICE-ROLLS
60. Less furnished BARER
61. It’s tapped into a tray ASH
62. Long range ANDES
63. Practices in a ring SPARS
64. Spelling event BEE
65. Out of order? MESSY
1. Disheveled RAGTAG
2. Yellow-orange fruit APRICOT
3. One paying for a plug SPONSOR
4. Positive sign PLUS
5. Ginza tender YEN
6. Sound of sadness SNIFF
7. Stanley of “The Lovely Bones” TUCCI
8. Cleaned one’s plate ATE
9. Knuckle under ACCEDE
10. Support for an injured knee BRACE
11. Ace of Base genre EUROPOP
12. Prickly hybrid TEA ROSE
13. Cunning SLY
18. Inane DAFT
22. Faked in the rink DEKED
24. Inauguration Day pledge OATH
25. Makes well CURES
26. Middle of a winning trio -TAC-
28. Dropbox files, casually DOCS
32. Complete fiasco SNAFU
33. Leaf-peeping mo. OCT
34. John Deere logo animal STAG
36. High hairstyles AFROS
37. Fan club focus IDOL
38. __ Mahal TAJ
39. Venn diagram feature OVERLAP
40. European archipelago known for its wine MADEIRA
43. Gradually becomes clear UNFOLDS
44. Showy trinkets BAUBLES
46. Stage crew ACTORS
47. Bank management aid? DIKE
48. Overly proper PRISSY
50. Prefix with act and cede INTER-
51. Invisible urban pollution NOISE
52. Hidden trove CACHE
56. Out of sight GONE
57. Core muscles ABS
58. Blot gently DAB
59. Big name in trucks RAM
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