Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday June 1st 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Bid with a weak hand, often I PASS
6. Nikon D5300, e.g. SLR
9. Team up with JOIN
13. ”Ya think?!” NO DUH!
14. Like newly Botoxed skin TAUT
16. Clip contents AMMO
17. Young fella KIDDO
18. When Valjean adopts Cosette ACT I
19. Sorento and Sedona KIAS
20. Bar exhortation DOWN THE HATCH
23. Firetruck tool AXE
25. Kerfuffle ADO
26. It can cover a lot TAR
27. ”Defence of Fort M’Henry” poet FRANCIS SCOTT KEY
33. ”Total Recall” (2012) director Wiseman LEN
34. Out-and-out UTTER
35. Designer Klein ANNE
36. Acting coach Hagen UTA
37. ”Don’t text and drive” ad, briefly PSA
38. Lodging provider INN
41. Up-in-the-air approx ETA
42. ”This doesn’t __ well BODE
44. Wingtip strings LACES
46. Get someone’s name wrong, e.g ERR
47. ”Let’s do it!”..SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN(!)
51. Rim LIP
52. Wine stain color RED
53. Egyptian slitherer ASP
54. Magician suggested by the ends of 20-, 27- and 47-Across ESCAPE ARTIST
59. Sweet pea DEAR
60. Seafood restaurant order CRAB
61. ”In my view … “ I’D SAY …
65. Crew of buddies GANG
66. Long-drawn-out account SAGA
67. Poppycock TRIPE
68. Alternatively ELSE
69. Get into the pool BET
70. Silver dollar topper SYRUP
1. Medium of much Chinese art INK
2. Luau chow POI
3. Tack on ADD
4. Out-of-the-blue SUDDEN
5. ”Scat!” SHOO!
6. Shows confidence and pride STANDS TALL
7. Cause of much intolerance? LACTOSE
8. Babe or Baby RUTH
9. Capital of Indonesia JAKARTA
10. Overlook OMIT
11. All-in-one Apple IMAC
12. Quick bite NOSH
15. Connect with TIE TO
21. Bides one’s time WAITS
22. Bean cover? HAT
23. Playground response ARE TOO!
24. Second word of Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan” XANADU
27. Blunders FLUBS
28. Flagstick holder CUP
29. It’s swung by some pinch hitters CRICKET BAT
30. Prepares to be knighted KNEELS
31. Trick ENTRAP
32. Long (for) YEARN
39. ”__ say more?” NEED I
40. Decryption org…NSA
43. Make easier to read, in a way..ENLARGE
45. Fits in a cabin?..AIR RAGE
48. Hummus, e.g…DIP
49. Publisher’s guidelines..SPECS
50. Gently towel off..PAT DRY
54. Slight lead..EDGE
55. Tough navy guy..SEAL
56. Case units, often..CANS
57. Many a Meccan..ARAB
58. Tends tots..SITS
62. Military address..SIR
63. Manjula’s husband, on “The Simpsons”..APU
64. ”You betcha!”..YEP!
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