Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday June 5th 2019, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1 MSNBC analyst Melber ARI
4 Olds Cutlass model CIERA
9 Garbage boats SCOWS
14 Airport shuttle VAN
15 Up to this point AS YET
16 Deck with the Fool and the World TAROT
17 Make sense of INTERPRET
19 Yoga pose ASANA
20 Many a coast-to-coast journey RED-EYE FLIGHT
22 Be concerned MIND
23 Burr and Hamilton, e.g. ENEMIES
26 2008 Ridley Scott film set in the Middle East BODY OF LIES
31 Prefix with scope ENDO-
32 Symbols in email addresses ATS
33 Fishing equipment REEL
34 Ryegrass disease ERGOT
35 Reassuring reply to “You don’t look well” I FEEL FINE
38 Cal. sequence M-T-W-T-F
41 Indigenous Japanese AINU
42 Took in ATE
45 Neighborhood AREA
46 Championship in a ring TITLE FIGHT
49 Party popper BALLOON
51 Invasive plant WEED
52 Influential in a big way … and a hint to this puzzle’s circles LIFE-CHANGING
57 Goes after HAS AT
59 Spanish estates HACIENDAS
61 “Flashdance…What a Feeling” singer Cara IRENE
62 Put in office ELECT
63 Increase, with “up” AMP
64 Big name in wedding invitations EATON
65 Med measures DOSES
66 Salty expanse SEA
1 Prefix for the birds AVI-
2 Went on a rampage RAN RIOT
3 Plans (to) INTENDS
4 Bit of TLC? CARE
5 “__ with my little eye … ” I SPY
6 “Reader, I married him” governess EYRE
7 Coral environs REEF
8 British prime minister after WWII… ATTLEE
9 __ whisper STAGE
10 Soft wool CASHMERE
11 Holding the floor ORATING
12 Got the gold WON
13 Many a stop: Abbr. STA
18 Jacuzzi effect EDDY
21 New officeholders INS
22 Deg. for a CEO… MBA
24 Old name of Tokyo EDO
25 Drunk SOT
27 German composer Carl ORFF
28 Payment for services FEE
29 “To Kill a Mockingbird” novelist LEE
30 __ ease: anxious ILL AT
34 Plenty, in texts ENUF
35 Firenze native ITALIANO
36 Chick-__-A: fast-food chain FIL
37 Chemistry suffix -INE
38 Queen of folklore MAB
39 __-la-la TRA
40 Firmly established WELL-SET
42 Meeting handouts AGENDAS
43 When you’re “ahead of” it, you’re likely to succeed THE GAME
44 JFK stat ETD
46 Clog part TOE
47 Made slow progress INCHED
48 “Victory is mine!” I WIN!
50 Many times OFTEN
53 Divine circle HALO
54 Killer serves ACES
55 “Sweet!” NICE
56 Understands GETS
57 Shake a leg, quaintly HIE
58 Immortal Notre Dame coach Parseghian ARA
60 Place for a hot stone massage SPA
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