Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday March 30th 2016, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Vanna’s cohort PAT
4. Smidgens IOTAS
9. Thicket COPSE
14. Boston Marathon mo. APR
15. Meat and greet patio party? BAR-B-Q
16. Skylit courtyards ATRIA
17. Yes, to a cowboy? YOU BET YOUR BOOTS
20. Sunday service providers CLERGY
21. Switz. neighbor AUS
22. Pollen carrier BEE
23. “M*A*S*H” Emmy winner for acting, writing and directing ALDA
24. German autos BMWS
26. Women’s undergarment, briefly CAMI
27. Yes, to an architect? SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN
31. __ joint HIP
32. Cracker with a scalloped edge RITZ
33. [uh-oh] GULP
34. Provides with a soundtrack DUBS
35. Components of many tips ONES
37. Give in to wanderlust ROAM
39. Shakespeare’s river AVON
40. Stockholm carrier SAS
43. Yes, to a traffic court judge? SUITS ME JUST FINE
47. Author Rice ANNE
48. Final, e.g. EXAM
49. Medicine Hat’s prov. ALTA
50. Shoot the breeze YAK
51. Org. for docs AMA
52. Exited quickly, in slang BAILED
54. Yes, to the Magic 8 Ball IT IS DECIDEDLY SO
58. “Divine Comedy” poet DANTE
59. “Fun, Fun, Fun” car in 1960s hit T-BIRD
60. Make faces for the camera MUG
61. Labor day doc OB/GYN
62. Church chorus AMENS
63. Mini-albums, briefly EPS
1. Choose paper over plastic? PAY CASH
2. Ill-fated 1967 moon mission APOLLO I
3. Made even, to a carpenter TRUED UP
4. “__ your pardon” I BEG
5. Cheerios descriptor OATY
6. “Give it a go” TRY
7. Blood-typing letters ABO
8. Kick up a fuss SQUAWK
9. Uber competitors CABS
10. Platte River tribe OTO
11. The majors PRO BALL
12. Online guide SITE MAP
13. Enter gradually EASE IN
18. Muffin mix additive BRAN
19. Con job RUSE
24. Orders with mayo BLTS
25. “Les __”: musical nickname MIZ
26. PCs’ “brains” CPUS
28. Karen Carpenter’s instrument DRUMS
29. Member of the fam SIB
30. One who helps you find a part? AGENT
34. Prom partner DATE
35. Fallopian tube traveler OVUM
36. Rejections NOS
37. Drink on credit RUN A TAB
38. Noise from a 55-Down OINKING
39. Multi-platinum Steely Dan album AJA
40. “I was so foolish!” SILLY ME!
41. Pays for cards ANTES UP
42. Old salts SEA DOGS
43. Get hitched SAY “I DO”
44. Viral Internet phenomenon MEME
45. Two-horse wager EXACTA
46. Go up in smoke FAIL
51. Yemeni port ADEN
52. Capital near Zurich BERN
53. Supplements, with “to” ADDS
55. Type of pen STY
56. Tech giant IBM
57. Cube that rolls DIE
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