Here is the complete list of clues and answers for the Wednesday May 2nd 2018, LA Times crossword puzzle.
1. Low-pH compound ACID
5. Creighton University city OMAHA
10. Silly DAFT
14. Running behind LATE
15. Spanish bar food TAPAS
16. Falls back EBBS
17. *Mother of Donald Jr. and Eric IVANA TRUMP
19. Pacific Rim continent ASIA
20. Disney collectible CEL
21. __ anglais: English horn COR
22. “Casablanca” actor Peter LORRE
24. Dublin residents IRISH
26. *Laurence Fishburne’s “What’s Love Got to Do With It” role IKE TURNER
30. Dried chili in Mexican cuisine ANCHO
31. Tiny tunneler ANT
32. Colorful tropical fish TETRA
33. Cause of red cheeks ROUGE
35. *With 41-Across, two-time NBA All-Star named for an NBA Hall of Famer ISAIAH
36. Biol. or geol. SCI
38. Spa treatments PEELS
40. Courthouse figs. DAS
41. *See 35-Across THOMAS
43. Woody thicket COPSE
45. Extends a tour RE-UPS
46. Sunbather’s goal TAN
47. Place for a Fitbit WRIST
51. *Swimmer with five Olympic gold medals IAN THORPE
53. Perfume compound ESTER
54. Take a pass SAY NO
55. Buccaneer’s domain SEA
57. __ chi: martial art TAI
58. “The Boss Baby” voice actor Baldwin ALEC
60. *Early 20th-century muckraker IDA TARBELL
63. Sport with periods called chukkers POLO
64. Intoxicating shrubs COCAS
65. Fidel’s successor RAUL
66. Throw out TOSS
67. Contest submission ENTRY
68. Band boosters AMPS
1. Keys on a keyboard ALICIA
2. Luray attraction CAVERN
3. Slanted, in a way ITALIC
4. La-Z-Boy room DEN
5. Aptly named “Airplane!” autopilot OTTO
6. Two-party system? MARRIAGE
7. “The Simpsons” storekeeper APU
8. Village HAMLET
9. __ of tea A SPOT
10. Start of a message to magazine subscribers DEAR READERS
11. What some vote in ABSENTIA
12. Christopher A. Wray’s agcy. FBI
13. Bag-checking org. TSA
18. “Gesundheit!” evoker ACHOO!
23. Well-worn tracks RUTS
25. Tex-Mex seafood dish SHRIMP TACOS
27. Patella KNEECAP
28. Periods of history ERAS
29. Root word? RAH!
34. FedEx alternative UPS
35. Many a cable co. ISP
36. __ butter: cosmetic moisturizer SHEA
37. Gives legal advice COUNSELS
39. Symbol of the second-largest state LONE STAR
41. Prefix with angle or cycle TRI-
42. Pallid ASHY
44. Use foul language SWEAR
46. Walked all over TROD ON
48. Expert computer operations group … to which the answers to starred clues belong? IT TEAM
49. Make airtight SEAL UP
50. Quavering musical sounds TRILLS
52. In reserve ON ICE
56. “Child’s play!” EASY!
58. On point APT
59. Bath bathroom LOO
61. Pretend to be ACT
62. Push-up top BRA
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