Crossword by: C.C. BurnikelĀ and edited by Rich Norris
Welcome to the answers to the Wednesday October 23 2013 LA Times crossword puzzle! The theme to today’s crossword is Red Cross. Each of the themed answers include a word that is a type of red, these are; ruby, rose, cherry and scarlet. What’s more is these answers cross each other in the crossword grid, hence Red Cross.
Across Answers
1. “Let’s hear it!” DO TELL!
7. Beginning on AS OF
11. “Essence of Man” cologne BRUT
Brut was launched in 1964 by Faberge. Under this line, they also produce balm, aftershave, and deodorant.
15. Bar game fodder TRIVIA
16. Old Roman coin LIRA
17. Light, to a moth LURE
18. Cooks, in a way STEAMS
Steam cooking is considered to be a good way to cook food if you’re into healthy stuff. No oil is used, and the food does not come in contact with the boiling water. This means none of the vitamins and minerals that come with the food are destroyed. Maybe it’s time you make the switch.
19. Up the creek IN TROUBLE
21. *Small fruit first cultivated in Oregon BING CHERRY
The Bing cherry is a cultivar produced only in British Columbia, California, Washintong, Wisconsin, and Oregon, where it originated.
23. Ruler divs. CMS
Cms is the abbreviation for centimeters/centimetres.
26. ’80s-’90s German chancellor KOHL
Kohl is considered as the architect of the German reunification. Together with Francois Mitterrand, the French president, he is also considered the architect of Maastricht Treaty. This established the European Union. His chancellorship is the longest in German history. It lasted sixteen years, and also oversaw the end of Cold War.
27. Brief brawls SET-TOS
30. Kansas City footballer CHIEF
The Kansas CIty Chiefs were originally the Dallas Texans, founded in 1960. It relocated to Kansas three years after. In 1970, they joined the NFL, and they are now a member of the Western Division of the American Football Conference.
32. L.A. commuter org. MTA
MTA stands for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
33. 16-Across replacer EURO
There are twelve countries in Europe that don’t use the Euro. They are: The UK, Sweden, Denmark, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, and the Czech Republic.
34. Daniel Barenboim’s opera house LA SCALA
La Scala is located in Milan, Italy. It was inaugurated on August 1778. La Scala is where most of the finest artists from Italy and around the world have performed. It is one of the leading ballet and opera theaters in the world.
36. “Agreed!” IT’S A DEAL!
40. Surg. sites ORS
Operating Rooms (ORs) are where Surgeries (surg) take place.
41. Humanitarian symbol, and a hint to what happens where the answers to starred clues intersect RED CROSS
The Red Cross was founded in 1919 by Henry Dunant and Gustave Moynier. This International humanitarian movement has around ninety seven million members, staff, and volunteers worldwide. It protects health and life, and makes sure that suffering is alleviated.
43. BART stop STA
44. Jumble MISHMASH
46. Haiti’s elder Duvalier PAPA DOC
Francois Duvalier was the former dictatorial ruler of Haiti. Before he became president that ruled with an iron fist, he was a doctor, and it was in fact, his patients that used to call him Papa Doc. Wonder what happened…
48. Somewhat, in music POCO
Poco, which means “little” in Italian, is also used in music as notation.
49. Oaf APE
51. Facebook option SHARE
If you ask me, people share a little too much of everything on Facebook these days.
52. Facebook option STATUS
And while we’re at it, people change their status a little too frequently too.
55. Tool with teeth RAKE
57. Part of Mac OSX: Abbr. SYS
58. *Vin Scully will be its 2014 Grand Marshal ROSE PARADE
The Rose Parade, which is the US’ New Year celebration, is officially named as the Tournament of Roses Parade. It started in January 1 1890. 2011 marked Honda’s sponsporship, which means they have the first float on the parade route.
61. Chevy pickup SILVERADO
First introduced in 1998, manufactured by General Motors.
63. “My goose is cooked!” I’M DEAD!
68. Clothing patch site KNEE
Can also be the elbow..
69. 72-Across speaker GAEL
70. Angry outburst TIRADE
71. “It’s for you,” on an env. ATTN
72. 69-Across’s tongue ERSE
There are 3 Erse languages: The Scots Gaelic, Max, and Irish.
73. Patron of lost causes ST JUDE
St Jude is sometimes more popularly known as Thaddeus. He was one of the twelve apostles, and the patron saint of desperate cases.
Down Answers
1. Rehab symptoms DTS
DT is a symptom of alcohol withdrawal. It came from the Latin phrase Delirium Tremens, which means “trembling madness” when translated.
2. Crumb ORT
3. Bind TIE
4. Actress Longoria EVA
Did you know that although Eva Longoria was of Mexican descent, she is the only one among her sisters to have dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin? All her three sisters have blue eyes, caucasian skin, and fair hair.
She married Spurs pointguard Tony Parker in 2007 in France, and filed for divorce after a cheating scandal with another basketball wife.
5. Life partner? LIMB
6. Vision-correcting surgery LASIK
LASIK stands for “laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis,” a type of eye surgery that significantly improves vision by reshaping the cornea.
7. Come down to earth ALIGHT
8. “Arrowsmith” Pulitzer decliner Lewis SINCLAIR
Harry Sinclair Lewis won the Nobel Prize in 1930 for Literature. He was the very first American novelist to do so. However, in 1937, he checked himself in a psychaitric hospital due to alcoholism. He checked out ten days after, still not knowing what his problems were.
9. Sports MD’s specialty ORTH
Orth is short for orthopedics
10. Orbitz info FARES
Orbitz Worldwide Inc is an online traveling agency which has its headquarters in Chicago, Illinois. Founded in 2001, its revenue as of 2011 is $767 million.
11. Said suddenly BLURTED
12. *Chain named for a Stones hit RUBY TUESDAY
There’s a restaurant chain in the US that’s named after this song by the Rolling Stones. It was released in 1966 and was written by Keith Richards. According to him, this song was about a goupie he met before.
13. Google revelation URL
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator
14. Titleist holder TEE
20. Valuable rock ORE
22. Oasis seekers NOMADS
23. Ben-Hur’s vehicle CHARIOT
Ben-Hur: A Tale Of Christ is written by Lew Wallace and published in 1880. It has been made into a film in 1907, 1925, 1957 (this one starring Charlton Heston, has won eleven Academy awards), and the latest one in 2003. It has also been made into a play and a mini-series.
24. *”Clue” suspect MISS SCARLET
Clue is a board game in the US, with a UK version called “Cluedo.” Its original name was”Murder!” and was invented by Anthony Pratt in 1944. It was designed to be played during air raid drills (which could last for hours) while they were in their underground bunkers.
25. “Gimme a __” SEC
28. Stump figures ORATORS
29. Comfort SOLACE
30. Treads heavily CLOMPS
31. Henhouse locale FARM
35. Rural expanse LEA
37. Brown v. Board of Education city TOPEKA
This was a class suit against the Board of Education in Topeka, Kansas. It demanded the racial segregation policy reversal, saying it is unconstitutional. The US Supreme court ruled the segregation in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment. It was considered a major victory of the civil rights movement in 1954.
38. FICA-funded org. SSA
SSA stands for Social Security Administration
39. Nile snakes ASPS
An asp is a venomous snake, and is referred as the Egyptian cobra in Egyptian mythology. It was also considered as royalty in Roman Egypt. Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt, was rumored to commit suicide by inducing an asp to bite her.
42. Game in which one player doesn’t speak CHARADES
One of my favorite games!
45. Pizza-making need HOT OVEN
How else can you bake pizza?
47. Contented sighs AHS
50. It can shorten a sentence PAROLE
53. Put to work USE
54. Suit material SERGE
Serge is a twill fabric made with 2-up and 2-down weave. It has ridges on both its sides. It’s often used in making suits, trench coats, and military uniforms.
56. Trims text, perhaps EDITS
59. Allen’s successor on “The Tonight Show” PAAR
You would never guess that Jack Paar, winner of 2 Emmys in his lifetime, had a stuttering problem when he was a kid. He also contracted tuberculosis when he was only fourteen years old. He was described as unpredictable and emotional.
60. Give off, as rays EMIT
61. Reggae kin SKA
Ska was so popular back in the fifties, in Jamaica where it originated from. It was the originator of the reggae.
62. Bankbook abbr. INT
Int is the abbreviation for Interest
64. Sixers’ #6 DR J
Julius Erving, or more popularly known s Dr. J became famous for his basketball moves, slam dunking for one.
65. Vichy water EAU
Vichy is located in France, and is known as a spa town.
66. Put in ADD
67. Start to dig? DEE
The starting letter of the word “dig” is D, which is pronounced and spelled as “dee”
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